AEFeinstein / Super-2024-Swadge-FW

Firmware for the Super Magfest 2024 Swadge
MIT License
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Font outline #226

Open AEFeinstein opened 2 weeks ago

AEFeinstein commented 2 weeks ago


Added a way to create outline fonts, which can be drawn over an existing font to outline it.

Add a way to have the mania renderer allocate and free its own fonts.

Test Instructions

The outline font is used in the mania menu renderer.

Ticket Links


Readiness Checklist

dylwhich commented 1 week ago

Looks good to me, except the item font here seems a little weird (the lowercase a and e get chopped a bit) - is this just because the outline is the same color as the background? screenshot-1716166362242

dylwhich commented 1 week ago

is this just because the outline is the same color as the background?

Wait, I can just try it and see! screenshot-1716166971599

Yeah, it looks fine with a non-background color even though the thin letters are still technically chopped up. So I think it's a non-issue for this PR.

AEFeinstein commented 1 week ago

Yeah, I made the decision to draw the outline on this inside edge of the font rather than the outside edge so that the outline font would be the exact same size and could be drawn without any offsets. The downside is that thin fonts don't take it so great.