AEFeinstein / Super-2024-Swadge-FW

Firmware for the Super Magfest 2024 Swadge
MIT License
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Consider usage of `rom_phy_disable_cca()` #266

Open cnlohr opened 4 months ago

cnlohr commented 4 months ago

Based on another thread in my Discord, the rom function, esp_rom_phy_disable_cca() was brought up. I am putting this here as a note - that it might be a way to use good P2P on the swadges, without having to earmuf them so bad with the IGI killer.

The test should be done where the IGI code in esp-now would be removed, in a challenging RF environment where you also disable CCA with, and do a pingstream to the swadge and see if it continues to behave well.

cnlohr commented 4 months ago

To be clear, I am proposing I do this test. I would like to do it later this month, maybe next month, but will need to do it in a nasty RF environment.

AEFeinstein commented 1 month ago

@cnlohr status on this?

cnlohr commented 3 weeks ago

I have time, but I am worried this will need testing at event. I can do it there. So yes, let's kick to next year, and I will do testing at-event.