Longwave rapid radiative transfer model
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Aerosol Scattering in RRTM LW #1

Open bwalkowiak opened 2 years ago

bwalkowiak commented 2 years ago


I have a question on how to properly model aerosols in RRTM_LW. I am trying to model scattering and absorption of aerosol in the first two layers of my model atmosphere. I am using the DISORT code option. When I try to run the RRTM_LW code with the IN_CLD_RRTM input containing the optical properties, I receive this error:

*** ERROR >>>>>> QGAUSN--max iteration count

I am able to run the code and receive the output file when I do not use DISORT (only absorption), but i am very interested in the scattering contribution of my input aerosols. I will attach the file I am using for the optical properties. Thanks!


bwalkowiak commented 2 years ago

Interestingly, when I try to run the scattering example (input_rrtm_MLS1-cld_disort) with the two cloud property files the same error is returned to me. Could this be a bug in my executable?

mjiacono commented 2 years ago

I haven't been able to reproduce the error you reported. Using several recent versions of the model, including v3.3.1 that is available here, compiling with either gfortran or pgf90, and running with the scattering example input file you mentioned and your scattering property file, I get the attached output files. You might try using one of these compilers, if you aren't already.