AF-VCD / pdf-bullets

Web-based utility for writing Air Force Bullets (EPR/OPR/Awards)
MIT License
44 stars 38 forks source link

Major update of site foundational code #33

Closed ckhordiasma closed 3 years ago

ckhordiasma commented 3 years ago

This pull request includes several things:

  1. Development environment is now node via create-react-app instead of plain javascript/html/css. Still nearly completely frontend application through.

    • This workflow includes webpack/minifying all assets, resulting in much faster load times. I've found about a 2x speed increase from some basic network testing.

    • The gh-pages branch should work offline, if you download and unzip the branch. Things like PDF import definitely won't work, and cookie (LocalStorage) storage won't work on AFNet due to AFNet browser policies.

    • Facilitates automated build and test workflows (see below).

    • Facilitates more structured development of new features.

  2. Automated build and deployment of master branch into the gh-pages branch using Github Actions

    • deployment will trigger on every push to master branch.
  3. Added basic analytics tracking user visit numbers. See here for details.

  4. One bug fix on unmounted component error that occasionally happened