AFE-AI / RoboSmart

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RoboSmart RPA document #1

Open Savill16 opened 3 months ago

Savill16 commented 3 months ago



1. 简介


2. 系统概览


  1. 网页分析模块:负责解析和分析网页,以理解其结构和内容。
  2. 操作推断引擎:使用网页分析模块的输出来推断最可能的用户操作。
  3. 用户界面模块:处理用户与RPA应用程序之间的交互,包括图形用户界面(GUI)和命令行界面(CLI)。
  4. 自动化执行模块:通过模拟用户交互在网页上执行推断的操作。
  5. 配置和设置模块:允许用户自定义RPA应用程序的行为。
+-------------------+          +------------------+          +--------------------+
|                   |          |                  |          |                    |
|    网页分析模块    |  ---->   |   操作推断引擎    |  ---->   |   自动化执行模块    |
|                   |          |                  |          |                    |
+-------------------+          +---------+--------+          +---------+----------+
                                         |                             |
                                         |                             |
                                         v                             v
                               +---------+--------+          +---------+----------+
                               |                  |          |                    |
                               |   用户界面模块    |          |   配置和设置模块    |
                               |                  |          |                    |
                               +------------------+          +--------------------+

3. 功能需求

3.1 网页分析模块

3.2 操作推断引擎

3.3 用户界面模块

3.4 自动化执行模块

3.5 配置和设置模块

4. 非功能性需求

5. 用户界面


  1. 图形用户界面(GUI):

    • 简洁直观的设计
    • 清晰地呈现推断的操作和解释
    • 易于使用的控件,用于批准、修改或拒绝操作
    • 可从网络浏览器访问,也可作为独立的桌面应用程序
  2. 命令行界面(CLI):

    • 为高级用户提供强大灵活的控制选项
    • 可编写脚本和自动化
    • 一致且有据可查的命令语法


6. 技术栈



7. 开发计划


  1. 网页分析模块和操作推断引擎的原型(冲刺1-2)
  2. 基本GUI和CLI功能(冲刺3-4)
  3. 集成自动化执行模块(冲刺5-6)
  4. 机器学习模型训练和集成(冲刺7-8)
  5. 与选定的用户群进行Beta测试(冲刺9-10)
  6. 根据Beta反馈进行改进(冲刺11-12)
  7. 最终测试和发布(冲刺13-14)


8. 项目管理



9. 术语表

10. 附录




ryan-zheng-teki commented 3 months ago

English Version

Intelligent RPA Application Documentation

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Intelligent RPA (Robotic Process Automation) application. This application aims to automate user tasks on websites by intelligently inferring the most probable actions based on the webpage content and structure. The key objectives are to minimize user effort, provide a user-friendly interface, and ensure compatibility with a wide range of websites.

2. System Overview

The Intelligent RPA application consists of the following main modules:

  1. Web Page Analysis Module: Responsible for parsing and analyzing web pages to understand their structure and content.
  2. Action Inference Engine: Uses the output from the Web Page Analysis Module to infer the most probable user action.
  3. User Interface Module: Handles the interaction between the user and the RPA application, including both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command-line interface (CLI).
  4. Automation Execution Module: Performs the inferred actions on the web pages by simulating user interactions.
  5. Configuration and Settings Module: Allows users to customize the behavior of the RPA application.
+-------------------+          +------------------+          +--------------------+
|                   |          |                  |          |                    |
|  Web Page Analysis|  ---->   | Action Inference |  ---->   | Automation Execution|
|     Module        |          |     Engine       |          |      Module        |
|                   |          |                  |          |                    |
+-------------------+          +---------+--------+          +---------+----------+
                                         |                             |
                                         |                             |
                                         v                             v
                               +---------+--------+          +---------+----------+
                               |                  |          |                    |
                               |  User Interface  |          | Configuration and  |
                               |     Module       |          |  Settings Module   |
                               |                  |          |                    |
                               +------------------+          +--------------------+

3. Functional Requirements

3.1 Web Page Analysis Module

3.2 Action Inference Engine

3.3 User Interface Module

3.4 Automation Execution Module

3.5 Configuration and Settings Module

4. Non-Functional Requirements

5. User Interface

The application will have two main user interfaces:

  1. Graphical User Interface (GUI):

    • Clean and intuitive design
    • Clear presentation of inferred actions and explanations
    • Easy-to-use controls for approving, modifying, or rejecting actions
    • Accessible from web browsers and as a standalone desktop application
  2. Command-Line Interface (CLI):

    • Powerful and flexible control options for advanced users
    • Scriptable and automatable
    • Consistent and well-documented command syntax

Wireframes and detailed UI designs will be created in collaboration with the UX/UI design team.

6. Technology Stack

The following technologies will be used to develop the Intelligent RPA application:

The exact versions and additional libraries will be finalized during the development process.

7. Development Plan

The application will be developed using an Agile methodology, with 2-week sprints and regular stakeholder meetings. The key milestones are:

  1. Prototype of the Web Page Analysis Module and Action Inference Engine (Sprint 1-2)
  2. Basic GUI and CLI functionality (Sprint 3-4)
  3. Integration of the Automation Execution Module (Sprint 5-6)
  4. Machine learning model training and integration (Sprint 7-8)
  5. Beta testing with a select group of users (Sprint 9-10)
  6. Refinement based on beta feedback (Sprint 11-12)
  7. Final testing and launch (Sprint 13-14)

A detailed sprint plan with specific tasks and deliverables will be created and maintained by the project manager.

8. Project Management

The project team will consist of:

Regular team meetings, progress reports, and stakeholder updates will ensure clear communication and alignment throughout the project. A risk management plan and change management process will be established to handle any issues or changes that arise.

9. Glossary

10. Appendices

To be added as needed during the project.