Closed danieltomabba closed 6 months ago
@sundayAdu Please can you verify the right syntax for implementing the numerator and denominator for Yes-No and the total for testing this? Thanks
Before I can close this issue, we need the wiki updated with the right syntax to change the diagram definitions before we can test this to close it. @sundayAdu Please respond accordingly. I sent this request last month so we could test it out and close it. Thank you very much @RaziaMahmodi @bnygren
Not tested, but will close until otherwise noted as needing review. The current dashboard will likely be superseded by improved visualization tools.
@sundayAdu In creating dashboard categories for M2M and S2S modalities, we observed that the dashboard elements are not being displayed for yes-no questions. This is true for referenceValue= true showing the percentage of yes for each question.
The actual output is Yes/(Yes+No) for each region, province or district output.
See diagram definition used
[ { "type": "label", "id": "ICMSupervisorM2M-readonly", "caption": "
Supervisor Monitoring Form M2M
" },{ "type": "section", "id": "ClusterInformation" },{ "type": "label", "id": "ClusterInfoLabel-readonly", "caption": "
Cluster Information:
" },{ "type": "date", "id": "VisitDate", "caption": "Visit Date", "important": "true" },{ "type": "text", "id": "supervisorName", "caption": "Supervisor Name", "important": "true" },{ "type": "text", "id": "monitorName", "caption": "Monitor Name", "important": "true" }, { "type": "section", "id": "SupInformation" },{ "type": "label", "id": "SupervisorINfoLabel-readonly", "caption": "Supervisor Information:
" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "residentOfCluster", "caption": "1- Is supervisor resident of assigned cluster?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "trainedBeforeCampaign", "caption": "2- Has supervisor been trained before this campaign?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "carryingOPV", "caption": "3- Is supervisor carrying OPV (and Vitamin A or Albendazole, if appropriate)?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "revisedMaps", "caption": "4- Is supervisor carrying maps with clearly marked team areas & boundaries?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "fillingHouseholdsCheckList", "caption": "5- Is supervisor carrying and filling households check list?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "yes-no", "id": "TransportSupervision", "caption": "6- Is transport provided for supervision based on micro-plan?", "important": "true" },{ "type": "dropdown", "id": "TransportTypeSupervision", "caption": "7- Does supervisor use transport in the field? Please select", "important": "true", "options":[{"key":"NoTransport","caption":"No Transport","order":"1"}, {"key":"Car","caption":"Car","order":"2"}, {"key":"Motorbike","caption":"Motorbike","order":"3"}, {"key":"Animal","caption":"Animal","order":"4"}] }, { "type": "section", "id": "SourceSection" },{ "type": "label", "id": "datasourceLabel-readonly", "caption": "Form Source
" },{ "type": "label", "id": "readonly-label", "caption": "File name: ICM Checklist (H2H).xlsx | Worksheet: Supervisor | Date provided: May 15th 2022" }]