AFIT-R / oper655_fa2019

Materials for the Text Mining course
2 stars 3 forks source link

Roll Call #1

Open Auburngrads opened 4 years ago

Auburngrads commented 4 years ago

Welcome OPER 655 students!!!

These instructions will serve as homework #0 to get everyone set for the course. A big portion of text mining is the ability to use software to implement the methods we'll discuss. To this end we will use several tools: R, RStudio, Rmarkdown, Git and Github. If this already seems overwhelming, the steps and resources described below should help you.

First, you'll each need to create an account on Github. If you already have a GitHub account - you can move on 👇.

Log into your Github account and scroll down to post a comment to this issue below. Your comment should include - at a minimum - your first name and the first initial of your last name. You won't get any extra points for adding pithy comments, but don't let that stop you. Your comment should also include your GitHub 'handle' (username) to help me connect your username with your real name.

Now, if you're unfamiliar with using GitHub or R, don't worry! I've made several resources available and even created a classroom on DataCamp to help get you up to speed. Just follow the steps below - Note these DataCamp 'assignments' aren't required and won't be graded, they're there to help you.

Go to and read the first three chapters to learn how to install/configure the R toolchain for data science and how to get started with rmarkdown

Create an account on, if you haven't done so already. I'll send you an invite to join the OPER 655 classroom. In the classroom you'll see that I've assigned a few modules for you to complete. Again, these aren't required but are available to help you get started with R, Rmarkdown, and Git.

If you have any questions about these instructions please let me know in you comment below.

Now, go ahead and post your comment already!

bjhufstetler commented 4 years ago
tyler-spangler commented 4 years ago

Tyler Spangler GitHub Username: tyler-spangler

clarencew0083 commented 4 years ago
ACGidds commented 4 years ago
anson25cheng commented 4 years ago

Anson Cheng @anson25cheng

treypujats commented 4 years ago

Trey Pujats username: treypujats

maxwell2818 commented 4 years ago

Maxwell Thompson maxwell2818

hrdCory commented 4 years ago

Jeremy Hendrix hrdCory

mnschro6 commented 4 years ago

Maria Schroeder mnschro6

rod-serling commented 4 years ago

Ed P. rod-serling