AFK-OS / una

Una (Una's Not APT) - A complete MPR helper
GNU General Public License v3.0
105 stars 12 forks source link

Unable to install on Ubuntu 22.04 #22

Closed deadmantfa closed 2 years ago

deadmantfa commented 2 years ago

Trying to install it on Ubuntu 22.04 using the command mentioned in the README, no errors just doesnt do anything


screenshot of the output

jonas-w commented 2 years ago

Same for debian-bullseye

Abdullah112006 commented 2 years ago

Do You found any solution?

jonas-w commented 2 years ago

Nope, i'm now using tap

deadmantfa commented 2 years ago

I am trying to install where una is a requirement.

jonas-w commented 2 years ago

Here some debug output for the developer:

+ gpg --dearmor
+ wget -qO -
+ sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/makedeb-archive-keyring.gpg
+ echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/makedeb-archive-keyring.gpg arch=all] makedeb main'
+ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/makedeb.list
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install makedeb
+ git clone
Cloning into 'una'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 213, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 213 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 207
Receiving objects: 100% (213/213), 52.48 KiB | 1.42 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (112/112), done.
+ cd una
+ bash -x ./una update
++ tput bold
+ bold=''
++ tput sgr0
+ normal=''
+ red=''
+ green=''
+ yellow=''
+ blue=''
+ magenta=''
+ cyan=''
+ version=v3.2.0
+ set -e
+ echo 'una v3.2.0'
una v3.2.0
+ [[ 1000 == \0 ]]
+ LOCKFILE=/tmp/una.lock
+ [[ -e /tmp/una.lock ]]
+ trap 'rm -f /tmp/una.lock; tput cnorm; exit' INT TERM EXIT
+ echo 69509
+ [[ ! -d /var/lib/una ]]
+ echo
+ info 'creating una directory and config files'
+ echo -e '>> creating una directory and config files'
>> creating una directory and config files
+ mkdir -p /home/jonas/.config/autostart
+ cat
+ cat
+ sudo tee /etc/una/config
+ rm -f /tmp/una.lock
+ tput cnorm
+ exit
+ bash -x ./una install una-bin
++ tput bold
+ bold=''
++ tput sgr0
+ normal=''
+ red=''
+ green=''
+ yellow=''
+ blue=''
+ magenta=''
+ cyan=''
+ version=v3.2.0
+ set -e
+ echo 'una v3.2.0'
una v3.2.0
+ [[ 1000 == \0 ]]
+ LOCKFILE=/tmp/una.lock
+ [[ -e /tmp/una.lock ]]
+ trap 'rm -f /tmp/una.lock; tput cnorm; exit' INT TERM EXIT
+ echo 69520
+ [[ ! -d /var/lib/una ]]
+ echo
+ info 'creating una directory and config files'
+ echo -e '>> creating una directory and config files'
>> creating una directory and config files
+ mkdir -p /home/jonas/.config/autostart
+ cat
+ cat
+ sudo tee /etc/una/config
+ rm -f /tmp/una.lock
+ tput cnorm
+ exit
+ una help
./ line 16: una: command not found
LI3GE commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, I got a little obsessed with this last night and figured a few things out. Firstly I reverted back to 3.1.1 on this github. It created a secondary problem which I fixed as well. I'm not sure if this is stable in the long term but currently I haven't run into any problems.

Instructions: Install Una via the script or via makedeb una-bin Download the 3.1.1 repo overwrite bin/bash una & una-updater w/ the 3.1.1's version

This will remove the whole creating directory stuff but will cause a new issue where you can't install because it won't find PKGBuild when using "Una Install Package"

To fix this I went into una's bin and deleted all ".git". Note do not remove -git just .git. It'll fix the install problem and everything will work as intended.

deadmantfa commented 2 years ago

I will try this out

RudraSwat commented 2 years ago

This issue should be fixed now (I've updated the install script).

jonas-w commented 2 years ago

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Cloning into 'una-bin'... fatal: repository '' not found [!] PKGBUILD does not exist. /proc/self/fd/11: line 15: una: command not found /proc/self/fd/11: line 15: una: command not found

still not working @RudraSwat

should be working without the .git at the end

jonas-w commented 2 years ago

Mhm the same problem, now that i've removed the .git. The same neverending "creating una directory and config files"

deadmantfa commented 2 years ago


The issue still persists installation fails

roworu commented 2 years ago

Same here.. image