AFM-SPM / TopoStats

An AFM image analysis program to batch process data and obtain statistics from images
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Bending Angle Calculations #847

Open ns-rse opened 1 month ago

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Incorporate features from JeanDu/BendingAngle-Upgraded along with work under #168 into sub-modules under topostats.measure.

Jean-Du commented 1 month ago

Main things to consider:

  1. The relevant code is found in measure_bending_angle in
  2. The measurement is only performed once per molecule, so the results can be easily intergrated into the existing data output structure
  3. The site of measurement can be decided in two ways: the midpoint of the molecule, or the point of highest curvature within the central portion of the molecule; in the former case, the bending angle can be measured independently from the curvature, so the only pre-requisite is successful tracing
  4. User input will be needed for parameters such as the length of the curve segement used on each side of the bending site; this can be added to the config file
  5. It would also be worth adding the option to choose between the 'inside' and 'outside' angle of a bend (they should add up to 180°)
ns-rse commented 1 month ago