AFM-SPM / jupyterlite-topostats

Run TopoStats Notebooks directly in your browser.
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Install and load TopoStats in Notebooks #7

Open ns-rse opened 9 months ago

ns-rse commented 9 months ago

The Notebooks have been imported and JupyterLite runs (see here) however its not currently possible to install and load TopoStats because it has a dependency on numpy>=1.26.0 and numpy<2.0.0 and currently pyodide only provides numpy-1.25.2 (earlier versions may be available).

I've requested an updated version of Numpy (see pyodide : Issue 4213) and will attempt to build myself.

ns-rse commented 8 months ago

Some (slow) progress on this.

There is now an updated build of numpy available in pyodide (see PR#4240).

However on loading this results in a complaint about ruamel-yaml-clib which has seen some discussion here.

Setting deps=False when installing ruamel-yaml worked too....which led to the next blocker which was that a particular version of Matplotlib couldn't be installed.

import micropip
# await micropip.install('ruamel-yaml', keep_going=True, deps=False)
# %pip install ruamel.yaml
%pip install topostats

I'll keep on chipping away at this and will hopefully make it so that we can install TopoStats in JupyterLite notebooks and run things there.