AFathi / ARVideoKit

Capture & record ARKit videos 📹, photos 🌄, Live Photos 🎇, and GIFs 🎆.
Apache License 2.0
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pod installation issue #128

Open Anu150030170 opened 3 years ago

Anu150030170 commented 3 years ago

When run app using pods then the video exported is of different size compared to video exported during manual adding of framework in Swift package Manager.

Any help please...

hypafrag commented 2 years ago

Latest version uploaded to cocoapods is 1.5.12. It's pretty old version that doesn't have some options added to control record aspect ratio. If you install same version with SwiftPM you'll probably get same results

digitallysavvy commented 2 years ago

Cocao Pods supports using a repo so you could pull in the library to your project that way.