AGHSEagleRobotics / frc1388-2023

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Use Dashboard for telemetry #23

Open jtechau opened 1 year ago

jtechau commented 1 year ago

We've been in the habit of using System.out.println to view robot data items (i.e. telemetry). This is simple to do, but has various drawbacks:

While println is simple and useful, these drawbacks often cause problems when trying to view telemetered data. Instead, consider using SmartDashboard.put...() calls in robot code for data items (e.g. SmartDashboard.putNumber("Label", value). The data values are published to any tool which can receive NetworkTables data, such as Shuffleboard and OutlineViewer.

Shuffleboard has widgets which can display data in various formats. For example, a Dial widget which might be useful for showing the robot's inclination example.

See also Issue #31 (Data Visualization - AdvantageScope). This may replace the need for using the dashboard for telemetry during development and debug.