Open AGRFesta opened 5 days ago
Character sheet example:
nome: Clementina Perigli; background: Tirafili; segno: Luna; temperamento: Saggio / Misterioso; manto: Marrone chiaro, striato; dettaglio fisico: Coda prensile; FOR: 5/5; DES: 6/6; VOL: 7/7; PP: 2/2; semi: 5; inventario: [Rocchetto di filo (3/3), Lanterna elettrica (6/6), Martello arma pesante d10 (3/3), Specchio (3/3), Razioni (3/3), Torce (3/3), Pugnale arma leggera d6 (3/3)]
Will include all the party characters sheet (caracteristc, equipment, background ...) and all the shared stuff among the party. Do we need a db model for it? (expensive!) How it will be updated? Automatically (is it possible?) or manually?