localhost:8080/dashboard/profile/email-updated-successfully should be the same as localhost:8080/dashboard/profile
except it starts with a pop up that says (your email is updated successfully)
localhost:8080/auth/reset-password/{token} should be a page where the user inputs: (new password + confirm new password) with a button for confirm. once he confirms he is redirected to logIn page, you can take the same login page and change the inputs, store the token from the link in a const.
localhost:8080/auth/login/verified-successfully should be the same as login except it starts with a pop up that says (your email is verified successfully, please login to continue)
localhost:8080/auth/login/reset-password-successfully should be the same as login except it starts with a pop up that says (your password is updated successfully, please login to continue)
Important note: rather then creating a new component for those pages try to reuse the same existing ones (except for reset password) with just dynamically rendering the popup with the content.
On profile page, make it 3 sections, each one with a button
user info: firstName, lastName, phoneNumber (use same input as signup), Country. once button clicks popup: please verify your new email via the link sent.
profilePicture (no need for a button for this one, it is updated auto when user inputs an image)
Email: once button clicks popup: please verify your new email via the link sent
Important note: rather then creating a new component for those pages try to reuse the same existing ones (except for reset password) with just dynamically rendering the popup with the content.