Visualizing Bahrain with old maps
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Stitched religious endowment map layer #5

Open AHAAAAAAA opened 3 years ago

AHAAAAAAA commented 3 years ago

Prompted by this contribution from @ibnkan. There exists a valuable resource in religious endowment maps that is at risk of vanishing. A proof-of-concept already exists here.

To get started on this we need to know:

In terms of map processing, I believe we can add geographic data and convert each map into a GeoTIFF raster layer in QGIS by freehand transformation (if coordinates/projections aren't available). Each individual map would live in its own file to allow for future fixes and we can run a script to stitch the dozens/hundreds of maps together with every new map we add. Converting a GeoTIFF to a tile package we can host is easy enough.

In terms of UI, it can temporarily live in the 'Map Picker' menu. When #3 lands, we'll have more of a structured place to put it in.