AHGGG / poe-node-api

A reverse engineered Node.js client for Quora's Poe.
MIT License
38 stars 5 forks source link

displayName is not undefined #11

Closed boygoboy closed 1 year ago

boygoboy commented 1 year ago


    getDisplayName(botNickName) {
        const displayName = this.displayNames[botNickName] || this.bots[botNickName]?.defaultBotObject?.displayName || (typeof botNickName !== 'string' && DisplayName[botNickName]);
        if (!displayName) {
            this.logger.error(`getDisplayNameByNickName failed, botNickName: ${botNickName}`);
        console.log(`getDisplayNameByNickName, botNickName: ${botNickName}, displayName: ${displayName}`);
        return displayName;

Hello author, now I am using the package to report an error. It seems that the displayName variable has not been obtained as undefined, resulting in url 404 requested later. The previous use is still normal. Is the official rule changed, or the format of the captured string has changed?

AHGGG commented 1 year ago

Version you use=? And the nickname you passed in is ?

boygoboy commented 1 year ago

你使用的版本=? 你传入的昵称是?

const {decrypt}=require('../../../utils/encryption.js')
const {BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep} = require("../utils/PoeClient.js")
let modelObj={
    'Claude-instant': 'a2' ,
     'Claude+':'a2_2'  ,
     'GPT-4': 'beaver' ,
     'Sage': 'capybara', 
      'Dragonfly': 'nutria',
      'ChatGPT': 'chinchilla',

const resetEnv = () => {

const poeChatMessage=async (opt,handleMessage)=>{
    let {cookie,model,message}=opt
    const {BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep} = await import("poe-node-api")
    const client = new PoeClient({
        debug: false,
    // resetEnv()
    // await client.updateAllBotInfo()
    await client.init()
    // resetEnv()
    let isstart=false
  let result=  await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {

// const poeChatMessage=async (opt,handleMessage)=>{
//     let {cookie,model,message}=opt
//     cookie=decrypt(cookie)
//     model=modelObj[model]
// const client = new PoeClient({
//     cookie: cookie,
//     env: {}, // pass env stored from last time, {"poe-formkey": "xxx", "buildId": "xxx" ......}
//     logLevel: 'debug'
// });
// console.log( BotNickNameEnum[model])
// console.log('-------------------------')
// let env3 = await client.init(false); 
// console.log(`env3:`, JSON.stringify(env3, null, 2))

//     let isstart=false
//   let result=  await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
//       if(!isstart){
//         handleMessage('[START]')
//         isstart=true
//       }
//       handleMessage(data)
//         console.log(`${data}`)
//     })
//     console.log(result)
//     handleMessage('[DONE]')
// }

Look at the poeChatMessage method in the comment section below and execute let env3 = await client.init(false); and an error will be reported. This is the latest code of the dev version. The poeChatMessage method that has not been commented above can be used normally in the main version 0.0.5 , because the commonjs environment is not supported, I changed the code after the build to import and export methods, maybe there is a problem with the way I eat。The following is the packaged code:

// import { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch.js';
// import WebSocket from "ws";
const WebSocket=require("ws")
// import CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
const CryptoJS=require("crypto-js")
// import fs from "fs";
const fs=require("fs")
// import path from "path";
const path=require("path")
// import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
// const {fileURLToPath}=require("url")
// import dotenv from "dotenv";
const dotenv=require("dotenv")
// import pino from "pino";
const pino=require("pino")
// const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
// const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
console.log(`__dirname:`, __dirname);
const queries = {
    chatViewQuery: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/ChatViewQuery.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    addMessageBreakMutation: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/AddMessageBreakMutation.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    chatListPaginationQuery: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/ChatListPaginationQuery.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    chatListPaginationQueryPlus: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/ChatListPaginationQueryPlus.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    addHumanMessageMutation: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/AddHumanMessageMutation.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    sendMessageMutation: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/SendMessageMutation.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
    deleteMessageMutation: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./graphql/DeleteMessageMutation.graphql"), { encoding: "utf8" }),
 var BotNickNameEnum;
(function (BotNickNameEnum) {
    BotNickNameEnum["a2"] = "a2";
    BotNickNameEnum["a2_2"] = "a2_2";
    BotNickNameEnum["beaver"] = "beaver";
    BotNickNameEnum["capybara"] = "capybara";
    BotNickNameEnum["nutria"] = "nutria";
    BotNickNameEnum["chinchilla"] = "chinchilla";
    BotNickNameEnum["hutia"] = "hutia";
})(BotNickNameEnum || (BotNickNameEnum = {}));
 var DisplayNameEnum;
(function (DisplayNameEnum) {
    DisplayNameEnum["Claude-instant"] = "Claude-instant";
    DisplayNameEnum["Claude+"] = "Claude+";
    DisplayNameEnum["GPT-4"] = "GPT-4";
    DisplayNameEnum["Sage"] = "Sage";
    DisplayNameEnum["Dragonfly"] = "Dragonfly";
    DisplayNameEnum["ChatGPT"] = "ChatGPT";
    DisplayNameEnum["NeevaAI"] = "NeevaAI";
})(DisplayNameEnum || (DisplayNameEnum = {}));
 const DisplayName = {
    [BotNickNameEnum.a2]: DisplayNameEnum["Claude-instant"],
    [BotNickNameEnum.a2_2]: DisplayNameEnum["Claude+"],
    [BotNickNameEnum.beaver]: DisplayNameEnum["GPT-4"],
    [BotNickNameEnum.capybara]: DisplayNameEnum.Sage,
    [BotNickNameEnum.nutria]: DisplayNameEnum.Dragonfly,
    [BotNickNameEnum.chinchilla]: DisplayNameEnum.ChatGPT,
    [BotNickNameEnum.hutia]: DisplayNameEnum.NeevaAI,
 const NickName = {
    [DisplayNameEnum["Claude-instant"]]: BotNickNameEnum.a2,
    [DisplayNameEnum['Claude+']]: BotNickNameEnum.a2_2,
    [DisplayNameEnum['GPT-4']]: BotNickNameEnum.beaver,
    [DisplayNameEnum['Sage']]: BotNickNameEnum.capybara,
    [DisplayNameEnum['Dragonfly']]: BotNickNameEnum.nutria,
    [DisplayNameEnum['ChatGPT']]: BotNickNameEnum.chinchilla,
    [DisplayNameEnum['NeevaAI']]: BotNickNameEnum.hutia
 class PoeClient {
    constructor(opts) {
        this.bots = {};
        this.viewer = {};
        this.nextData = {};
        this.connected = false;
        this.nicknames = {}; // displayName -> nickname
        this.displayNames = {}; // nickname -> displayName
        this._fetch = globalFetch;
        const { cookie, env = process.env, logLevel = 'info', fetch = globalFetch, retry = 5, retryMsInterval = 2000 } = opts;
        this.env = env;
        this.logger = pino.pino({
            level: logLevel,
            transport: {
                target: 'pino-pretty',
                options: {
                    colorize: false,
                    ignore: 'hostname,pid'
        if (!this.env) {
            throw new Error('env is undefined, create .env file or pass your local envMap to Client constructor'); // TODO: Test empty .env file
        this._fetch = async (url, options) => {
            this.logger.info(options, `fetch: ${url}, options:`);
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                for (let i = 0; i <= retry; ++i) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        this.logger.info(`retrying ${url}, ${i}/${retry}...${new Date().getSeconds()}`);
                        await sleep(retryMsInterval);
                    try {
                        const retryRes = await fetch(url, { ...options });
                        if (retryRes.ok) {
                            return resolve(retryRes);
                        else {
                            this.logger.error(`\tfetch failed: ${url}, ${retryRes.status}, ${retryRes.statusText}`);
                            if (+retryRes.status === 400) {
                                this.logger.error(`\t[Note] Make sure you put the correct cookie in .env file, like ===> cookie=p-b=xxxxxxxx. After setting a new cookie, delete other poe's old key-value pairs.`);
                    catch (e) {
                reject(new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url} after ${retry} retries`));
        this.headers = {
            'poe-formkey': this.env["poe-formkey"] || '',
            'poe-tchannel': this.env["poe-tchannel"] || '',
            'cookie': this.env['cookie'] || cookie || '',
        this.logger.debug(this.env, `this.env:`);
        if (!this.headers.cookie) {
            throw new Error('cookie is null');
        if (!this._fetch) {
            throw new Error('Invalid environment; fetch is not defined');
        if (typeof this._fetch !== 'function') {
            throw new Error('Invalid "fetch" is not a function');
     * Read .env file and set poe-formkey / buildId / botsInfo to memory
    setBotId() {
        const envMap = Object.keys(this.env).reduce((result, key) => {
            result.set(key, this.env[key]);
            return result;
        }, new Map());
        for (let [envKey, _] of envMap) {
            if (!envKey.includes("_chatId") && !envKey.includes("_id") && !envKey.includes("_-_")) {
            let localNickname = envKey.split('_-_')[0];
            let displayNameAndID = envKey.split('_-_')[1]; // like: GPT-4_chatId
            let localDisplayName = displayNameAndID.substring(0, displayNameAndID.indexOf("_chatId"));
            const botChatIdKey = `${localNickname}_-_${localDisplayName}_chatId`;
            const botIdKey = `${localNickname}_-_${localDisplayName}_id`;
            if (envMap.has(botChatIdKey) && envMap.has(botIdKey)) {
                let chatId = this.env[botChatIdKey];
                let id = this.env[botIdKey];
                if (!chatId || !id) {
                this.bots[localNickname] = {
                    chatId: +chatId,
                    id: id
                this.nicknames[localDisplayName] = localNickname;
                this.displayNames[localNickname] = localDisplayName;
                this.logger.debug(`read ${localDisplayName}'s chatId(${this.bots[localNickname].chatId}) and id(${this.bots[localNickname].id})`);
     * If !poe-formkey || !buildId || !this.nextData, will updateAllBotInfo and write poe-formkey / buildId / botsInfo to .env file, for next chat use.
     * And get channel info => subscribe => connectWs
    async init(rewriteToLocalEnvFile = true) {
        this.nextData.buildId = this.env["buildId"] || undefined;
        if (!this.env["poe-formkey"] || !this.nextData.buildId) {
            await this.updateAllBotInfo(rewriteToLocalEnvFile);
        await this.getChannelData(); // get poe-tchannel
        await this.subscribe();
        await this.connectWs();
        return Promise.resolve(this.env);
     * send message to bot
     * @param text user input
     * @param botNickName bot nick name, like capybara(Sage) / a2(Claude-instant) / a2_2(Claude+) etc.
     * @param withChatBreak
     * @param callback
    async sendMessage(text, botNickName, withChatBreak = false, callback = console.log) {
        if (!this.connected) {
            await this.disConnectWs();
            await this.getNextData();
            // await this.getBots()
            await this.subscribe();
            await this.connectWs();
        if (!this.bots[botNickName]?.chatId || !this.bots[botNickName]?.id) {
            const displayName = this.getDisplayName(botNickName);
            if (!displayName) {
                throw new Error(`can not get displayName by botNickName: ${botNickName}`);
            await this.getBotByDisplayName(displayName);
        const variables = {
            bot: botNickName,
            chatId: this.bots[botNickName]?.chatId,
            query: text,
            source: null,
            withChatBreak: withChatBreak
        const data = await this.makeRequest({
            query: `${queries.sendMessageMutation}`,
            variables: variables,
        await this.listenWs(callback);
        if (!data.data) {
            this.logger.error("Could not send message! Please retry, Data:", data);
        return data;
     * Add a chat break to the bot, equals to click the clear button
    async addChatBreak(botNickName) {
        const data = await this.makeRequest({
            query: `${queries.addMessageBreakMutation}`,
            variables: { chatId: this.bots[botNickName]?.chatId },
        if (!data.data) {
            this.logger.debug(data, "Can not clear context! data:");
        return data;
     * Delete message(s) by message(s) id
     * @param messageIds
    async deleteMessage(messageIds) {
        const data = await this.makeRequest({
            query: `${queries.deleteMessageMutation}`,
            variables: {
                messageIds: messageIds
        if (!data.data) {
            this.logger.debug(data, "Can not delete message! data:");
        return data;
     * Delete all bot messages, equals to click poe.com > Settings > Delete all messages
    async purgeAllMessage() {
        const payload = JSON.stringify({
            query: "mutation SettingsDeleteAllMessagesButton_deleteUserMessagesMutation_Mutation {\n  deleteUserMessages {\n    viewer {\n      uid\n      id\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
            variables: {},
            queryName: "SettingsDeleteAllMessagesButton_deleteUserMessagesMutation_Mutation",
        const base_string = payload + this.headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k";
        const headers = {
            "content-type": "application/json",
            "cookie": this.headers.cookie,
            "poe-formkey": this.headers["poe-formkey"],
            "poe-tchannel": this.headers["poe-tchannel"],
            "referer": "https://poe.com/settings",
            "poe-tag-id": CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(CryptoJS.MD5(base_string))
        const response = await this._fetch('https://poe.com/api/gql_POST', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: headers,
            body: payload
        const data = await response.json();
        if (!data.data) {
            this.logger.debug(data, "Can not purgeAllMessage res:");
        return data;
     * Get some latest messages from nextData's edges
     * Get first init startCursor from nextData's pageInfo, and use this startCursor to get history messages
     * According to the oldest message's cursor and count, get messages before this cursor
     * Add oldMessages to newMessages, and return newMessages
     * @param botNickName
     * @param count number of messages to get, default 25
     * @param cursor get count of messages before startCursor (cursor represent one message / chat_break line)
    async getHistory(botNickName, count = 25, cursor = undefined) {
        let messages = [];
        let displayName = this.getDisplayName(botNickName);
        if (!displayName) {
            this.logger.error(`Can not find displayName for botNickName: ${botNickName}`);
        // first cursor is in nextData, use this cursor to get latest 5? messages
        if (this.nextData) {
            messages = this.nextData?.props?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName?.messagesConnection?.edges ?? [];
            cursor = this.nextData?.props?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName?.messagesConnection?.pageInfo?.startCursor;
        // try to find the latest cursor
        if (!cursor) {
            let chatData = await this.getBotByDisplayName(displayName);
            // let hasPreviousPage = chatData?.messagesConnection?.pageInfo?.hasPreviousPage;
            // if (!hasPreviousPage) {
            //     return chatData?.messagesConnection?.edges || [];
            // }
            // Get cursor and partial messages from bot's info
            messages = chatData.messagesConnection.edges;
            cursor = chatData.messagesConnection.pageInfo.startCursor;
            count -= messages.length;
        if (count <= 0 || !cursor)
            return messages;
        this.logger.debug(messages, `messages:`);
        while (count > 0) {
            const msgs = await this.getChatList(botNickName, count, cursor);
            this.logger.debug(msgs, `msgs:`);
            if (msgs === undefined || msgs.pageInfo === undefined || msgs.edges === undefined || msgs.edges.length === 0) {
                this.logger.debug(`msgs === undefined || msgs.pageInfo === undefined || msgs.edges === undefined || msgs.edges.length === 0`);
            messages = msgs.edges.concat(messages);
            count -= msgs.edges.length;
            cursor = msgs.pageInfo.startCursor;
            this.logger.debug(`count: ${count}, cursor: ${cursor}`);
        return messages;
     * need to get bot id first
     * @param botNickName
     * @param count
     * @param cursor
    async getChatList(botNickName, count = 25, cursor) {
        let id = this.bots[botNickName]?.id;
        const displayName = this.getDisplayName(botNickName);
        if (!id && displayName) {
            await this.getBotByDisplayName(displayName);
            id = this.bots[botNickName]?.id;
        if (!id || !cursor) {
            this.logger.error(`Can not find id or cursor for botNickName: ${botNickName}, count: ${count}`);
            return [];
        let response = await this.makeRequest({
            query: `${queries.chatListPaginationQueryPlus}`,
            queryName: "ChatListPaginationQuery",
            variables: {
                id: id,
                count: count > 50 ? 50 : count,
        return response.data.node?.messagesConnection;
     * for websocket(stream response) purpose
    async subscribe() {
        const query = {
            queryName: 'subscriptionsMutation',
            variables: {
                subscriptions: [
                        subscriptionName: 'messageAdded',
                        // MessageAddedSubscription.graph
                        query: 'subscription subscriptions_messageAdded_Subscription(\n  $chatId: BigInt!\n) {\n  messageAdded(chatId: $chatId) {\n    id\n    messageId\n    creationTime\n    state\n    ...ChatMessage_message\n    ...chatHelpers_isBotMessage\n  }\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageDownvotedButton_message on Message {\n  ...MessageFeedbackReasonModal_message\n  ...MessageFeedbackOtherModal_message\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageDropdownMenu_message on Message {\n  id\n  messageId\n  vote\n  text\n  ...chatHelpers_isBotMessage\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageFeedbackButtons_message on Message {\n  id\n  messageId\n  vote\n  voteReason\n  ...ChatMessageDownvotedButton_message\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageOverflowButton_message on Message {\n  text\n  ...ChatMessageDropdownMenu_message\n  ...chatHelpers_isBotMessage\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageSuggestedReplies_SuggestedReplyButton_message on Message {\n  messageId\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessageSuggestedReplies_message on Message {\n  suggestedReplies\n  ...ChatMessageSuggestedReplies_SuggestedReplyButton_message\n}\n\nfragment ChatMessage_message on Message {\n  id\n  messageId\n  text\n  author\n  linkifiedText\n  state\n  ...ChatMessageSuggestedReplies_message\n  ...ChatMessageFeedbackButtons_message\n  ...ChatMessageOverflowButton_message\n  ...chatHelpers_isHumanMessage\n  ...chatHelpers_isBotMessage\n  ...chatHelpers_isChatBreak\n  ...chatHelpers_useTimeoutLevel\n  ...MarkdownLinkInner_message\n}\n\nfragment MarkdownLinkInner_message on Message {\n  messageId\n}\n\nfragment MessageFeedbackOtherModal_message on Message {\n  id\n  messageId\n}\n\nfragment MessageFeedbackReasonModal_message on Message {\n  id\n  messageId\n}\n\nfragment chatHelpers_isBotMessage on Message {\n  ...chatHelpers_isHumanMessage\n  ...chatHelpers_isChatBreak\n}\n\nfragment chatHelpers_isChatBreak on Message {\n  author\n}\n\nfragment chatHelpers_isHumanMessage on Message {\n  author\n}\n\nfragment chatHelpers_useTimeoutLevel on Message {\n  id\n  state\n  text\n  messageId\n}\n'
                        subscriptionName: 'viewerStateUpdated',
                        // ViewerStateUpdatedSubscription.graph
                        query: 'subscription subscriptions_viewerStateUpdated_Subscription {\n  viewerStateUpdated {\n    id\n    ...ChatPageBotSwitcher_viewer\n  }\n}\n\nfragment BotHeader_bot on Bot {\n  displayName\n  ...BotImage_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_bot on Bot {\n  profilePicture\n  displayName\n}\n\nfragment BotLink_bot on Bot {\n  displayName\n}\n\nfragment ChatPageBotSwitcher_viewer on Viewer {\n  availableBots {\n    id\n    ...BotLink_bot\n    ...BotHeader_bot\n  }\n}\n'
            query: 'mutation subscriptionsMutation(\n  $subscriptions: [AutoSubscriptionQuery!]!\n) {\n  autoSubscribe(subscriptions: $subscriptions) {\n    viewer {\n      id\n    }\n  }\n}\n'
        await this.makeRequest(query);
     * Get __NEXT_DATA__ from https://poe.com html. It contains formkey / ipInfo / availableBotsInfo / latestMessageInfo / buildId
     * @private
    async getNextData() {
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading next_data ===========================");
        const r = await this._fetch("https://poe.com", {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: { cookie: this.headers.cookie }
        const json_regex = /<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application\/json">(.*?)<\/script>/s;
        let html = await r.text();
        let jsonText = json_regex.exec(html)?.[1]; // get script props data
        let nextData = JSON.parse(jsonText);
        const { props: { pageProps: { payload: { viewer } } } } = JSON.parse(jsonText);
        const formKey = await this.extractFormkey(html) || '';
        this.headers['poe-formkey'] = formKey;
        this.nextData = nextData;
        this.viewer = viewer;
        this.logger.debug(`\nnextData: ${JSON.stringify(nextData)}\nviewer: ${JSON.stringify(viewer)}`);
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading next_data ===========================\n\n");
        return nextData;
     * Get channel info to get socket url. For now, poe-tchannel is not store in .env file
     * @private
    async getChannelData() {
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading channelData ===========================");
        const _setting = await this._fetch('https://poe.com/api/settings', { headers: { cookie: this.headers.cookie } });
        if (_setting.status !== 200)
            throw new Error("Failed to fetch api/settings");
        const channelData = await _setting.json();
        this.tchannelData = channelData.tchannelData;
        this.headers['poe-tchannel'] = channelData.tchannelData.channel;
        this.logger.debug(channelData, `channelData:`);
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading channelData ===========================\n\n");
        return channelData.tchannelData;
    connectWs() {
        this.connected = false;
        const url = this.getSocketUrl(this.tchannelData);
        this.ws = new WebSocket(url);
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const onOpen = () => {
                this.connected = true;
                this.logger.debug("Connected to websocket");
            const onError = (e) => {
                this.connected = false;
                this.logger.error("Connection error");
            this.ws?.on('open', onOpen);
            this.ws.on('error', onError);
    listenWs(callback) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const onMessage = (data) => {
                let jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
                if (jsonData.messages && jsonData.messages.length > 0) {
                    const messages = JSON.parse(jsonData.messages[0]);
                    const dataPayload = messages.payload.data;
                    const text = dataPayload.messageAdded.text;
                    const state = dataPayload.messageAdded.state;
                    if (state !== 'complete') {
                    else {
                        if (!this.ws) {
                            this.logger.error(`state === 'complete' and ws is null, onMsgData:`, JSON.stringify(jsonData));
                        this.ws?.removeListener('message', onMessage);
            this.ws.on('message', onMessage);
    disConnectWs() {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const onClose = () => {
                this.connected = false;
                return resolve(true);
            if (this.ws) {
                this.ws.on('close', onClose);
                this.logger.info(`ws closed`);
            this.connected = false;
     * Get all bots info from nextData's viewer["availableBots"]
    async getBots() {
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading all bots ===========================");
        let bot_list;
        let bots = {};
        if (!this.viewer['availableBots']) {
            throw new Error("Invalid token or no bots are available. Might: network error, try to getDataNext first");
        bot_list = this.viewer["availableBots"];
        for (let i = 0; i < bot_list.length; i++) {
            const bot = bot_list[i];
            let displayName = bot['displayName'];
            let chatData = await this.getBotByDisplayName(displayName);
            let nickName = chatData?.defaultBotObject?.nickname;
            if (nickName)
                bots[nickName] = chatData;
        this.bots = bots;
        this.logger.debug("=========================== Downloading all bots ===========================\n\n");
        return bots;
     * Try to get bot's chatId and id, if failed, retry
     * @param displayName BotNickNameEnum
    async getBotByDisplayName(displayName) {
        this.logger.debug(`=========================== getBotByDisplayName(${displayName}) ===========================`);
        const url = `https://poe.com/_next/data/${this.nextData.buildId}/${displayName}.json`;
        const retryRes = await this._fetch(url, {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: { cookie: this.headers.cookie }
        let json = await retryRes.json();
        if (json?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName
            && json?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName?.chatId
            && json?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName?.id) {
            const botNickName = json.pageProps.payload.chatOfBotDisplayName?.defaultBotObject?.nickname;
            if (displayName && botNickName) {
                this.bots[botNickName] = json.pageProps.payload.chatOfBotDisplayName;
                this.nicknames[displayName] = botNickName;
                this.displayNames[botNickName] = displayName;
            this.logger.debug(`getBot:${displayName}, url:${url}, (${botNickName})this.bots[${botNickName}]: \n${JSON.stringify(this.bots[botNickName])}`);
            this.logger.debug("=========================== getBotByDisplayName ===========================\n\n");
            return json?.pageProps?.payload?.chatOfBotDisplayName;
        this.logger.debug("=========================== getBotByDisplayName ===========================\n\n");
     * Get bot's displayName, capybara ==> Sage etc.
     * @param botNickName
    getDisplayName(botNickName) {
        const displayName = this.displayNames[botNickName] || this.bots[botNickName]?.defaultBotObject?.displayName || (typeof botNickName !== 'string' && DisplayName[botNickName]);
        if (!displayName) {
            this.logger.error(`getDisplayNameByNickName failed, botNickName: ${botNickName}`);
        console.log(`getDisplayNameByNickName, botNickName: ${botNickName}, displayName: ${displayName}`);
        return displayName;
     * Get socket url
     * @param tchannelData tchannelData from this.getChannelData()
     * @private
    getSocketUrl(tchannelData) {
        const tchRand = Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random()) + 1; // They're surely using 6 digit random number for ws url.
        const socketUrl = `wss://tch${tchRand}.tch.quora.com`;
        const boxName = tchannelData.boxName;
        const minSeq = tchannelData.minSeq;
        const channel = tchannelData.channel;
        const hash = tchannelData.channelHash;
        const wsUrl = `${socketUrl}/up/${boxName}/updates?min_seq=${minSeq}&channel=${channel}&hash=${hash}`;
        return wsUrl;
     * Send POST request to https://poe.com/api/gql_POST
     * @param request
    async makeRequest(request) {
        let payload = JSON.stringify(request);
        const base_string = payload + this.headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k";
        let headers = {
            'poe-formkey': this.headers["poe-formkey"],
            'poe-tchannel': this.headers["poe-tchannel"],
            'cookie': this.headers.cookie,
            "content-type": "application/json",
            "poe-tag-id": CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(CryptoJS.MD5(base_string))
        const response = await this._fetch('https://poe.com/api/gql_POST', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: headers,
            body: payload
        return await response.json();
     * extract formkey from https://poe.com html
     * @param html string
     * @private
    async extractFormkey(html) {
        const scriptRegex = /<script>if\s*\(.+\)\s*throw new Error;(.+)<\/script>/;
        // const scriptRegex = new RegExp('<script>if\\s*\\(.+\\)\\s*throw new Error;(.+)</script>');
        let regExpExecArray = scriptRegex.exec(html);
        const scriptText = regExpExecArray?.[1] || '';
        this.logger.debug({ regExpExecArray, scriptText }, `regExpExecArray and scriptText: `);
        const keyRegex = /var .\s*=\s*"([0-9a-f]+)",/;
        let regExpExecArray1 = keyRegex.exec(scriptText);
        if (!regExpExecArray1) {
            this.logger.error(`Could match ${keyRegex} from scriptText:`, scriptText);
        const keyText = regExpExecArray1[1];
        if (!keyText) {
        this.logger.debug(keyText, `keyText:`);
        const cipherRegex = /.\[(\d+)\]\s*=\s*.\[(\d+)\]/g;
        const cipherPairs = scriptText.matchAll(cipherRegex);
        // this.logger.debug({cipherRegex, cipherPairs}, `cipherRegex and cipherPairs: `)
        const formkeyList = [];
        for (const pair of cipherPairs) {
            // this.logger.debug(pair, `pair:`)
            const [_, formkeyIndex, keyIndex] = pair;
            // @ts-ignore
            formkeyList[formkeyIndex] = keyText[keyIndex];
        const formkey = formkeyList.join("");
        this.logger.debug(formkey, `formkey:`);
        if (!formkey) {
            throw new Error("Could not extract formkey from scriptText");
        return formkey;
     * fetch poe-formkey, buildId, [BotDisplayName]_chatId, [BotDisplayName]_id and rewrite in .env !
    async updateAllBotInfo(rewriteToLocalEnvFile = true) {
        await this.getNextData();
        await this.getBots();
        if (!this.nextData.buildId || !this.headers["poe-formkey"]) {
            this.logger.error("Could not extract buildId from html");
        // read .env file by fs
        const envPath = path.resolve(".env");
        // set key value pair to .env file
        const envConfig = rewriteToLocalEnvFile ? dotenv.parse(fs.readFileSync(envPath)) : this.env;
        this.logger.debug(`${rewriteToLocalEnvFile ? '[rewrite to .env enable]' : ''}[poe-formkey] old:${envConfig["poe-formkey"]}, new: ${this.headers["poe-formkey"]}`);
        this.logger.debug(`${rewriteToLocalEnvFile ? '[rewrite to .env enable]' : ''}[buildId] old:${envConfig["buildId"]}, new: ${this.nextData.buildId}`);
        envConfig["poe-formkey"] = this.headers["poe-formkey"];
        envConfig["buildId"] = this.nextData.buildId;
        for (const botNickName in this.bots) {
            if (!this.bots[botNickName] || !this.bots[botNickName]?.chatId || !this.bots[botNickName]?.id) {
                this.logger.debug(`${botNickName} in this.bots is not valid!, this.bots[${botNickName}]:\n${JSON.stringify(this.bots[botNickName], null, 2)}`);
            let displayName = this.getDisplayName(botNickName);
            if (displayName.includes("+")) {
                displayName = displayName.replace("+", "_2"); // can't read a2_2_-_Claude+_chatId from env file, so replace it to _2
            const envBotChatIdK = `${botNickName}_-_${displayName}_chatId`;
            const envBotChatIdV = this.bots[botNickName]?.chatId + '';
            const envBotIdK = `${botNickName}_-_${displayName}_id`;
            const envBotIdV = this.bots[botNickName]?.id + '';
            this.logger.debug(`${rewriteToLocalEnvFile ? '[rewrite to .env enable]' : ''}[${displayName}_chatId] old:${envConfig[envBotChatIdK]}, new: ${envBotChatIdV} && [${displayName}_id] old:${envConfig[envBotIdK]}, new: ${envBotIdV}`);
            envConfig[envBotChatIdK] = envBotChatIdV;
            envConfig[envBotIdK] = envBotIdV;
        this.env = envConfig;
        if (rewriteToLocalEnvFile) {
            // update env
            const envConfigString = Object.entries(envConfig)
                .map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`)
            // write to .env file
            fs.writeFileSync(envPath, envConfigString);
            this.logger.info(`.env file updated`);
            // reload env file
            this.env = process.env;
 const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

module.exports = {


AHGGG commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback, I will try to find out why.

AHGGG commented 1 year ago

I just ran your code and I don't have any problems here.


const { BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep } = require("./utils/PoeClient.js")
let modelObj = {
    'Claude-instant': 'a2',
    'Claude+': 'a2_2',
    'GPT-4': 'beaver',
    'Sage': 'capybara',
    'Dragonfly': 'nutria',
    'ChatGPT': 'chinchilla',
    'NeevaAI': 'hutia'

const resetEnv = () => {
    process.env['poe-formkey'] = ''
    process.env['buildId'] = ''
    process.env['capybara_-_Sage_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['capybara_-_Sage_id'] = ''
    process.env['beaver_-_GPT-4_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['beaver_-_GPT-4_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_2_-_Claude_2_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_2_-_Claude_2_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_-_Claude-instant_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_-_Claude-instant_id'] = ''
    process.env['chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_id'] = ''
    process.env['nutria_-_Dragonfly_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['nutria_-_Dragonfly_id'] = ''

// const poeChatMessage = async (opt, handleMessage) => {
//     let { cookie, model, message } = opt
//     model = modelObj[model]
//     const { BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep } = await import("poe-node-api")
//     const client = new PoeClient({
//         debug: false,
//         cookie
//     })
//     // resetEnv()
//     // await client.updateAllBotInfo()
//     await client.init()
//     // resetEnv()
//     let isstart = false
//     console.log(model)
//     console.log(BotNickNameEnum[model])
//     let result = await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
//         if (!isstart) {
//             handleMessage('[START]')
//             isstart = true
//         }
//         handleMessage(data)
//         console.log(`${data}`)
//     })
//     console.log(result)
//     handleMessage('[DONE]')
// }

const poeChatMessage = async (opt, handleMessage) => {
    let { cookie, model, message } = opt
    model = modelObj[model]
    const client = new PoeClient({
        cookie: cookie,
        env: {
            "poe-formkey": "x",
            "buildId": "x",
            "capybara_-_Sage_chatId": "x",
            "capybara_-_Sage_id": "x==",
            "beaver_-_GPT-4_chatId": "x",
            "beaver_-_GPT-4_id": "x==",
            "a2_2_-_Claude_2_chatId": "x",
            "a2_2_-_Claude_2_id": "x==",
            "a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_chatId": "x",
            "a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_id": "x==",
            "a2_-_Claude-instant_chatId": "x",
            "a2_-_Claude-instant_id": "x==",
            "chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_chatId": "x",
            "chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_id": "x==",
            "nutria_-_Dragonfly_chatId": "x",
            "nutria_-_Dragonfly_id": "x=="
        }, // pass env stored from last time, {"poe-formkey": "xxx", "buildId": "xxx" ......}
        logLevel: 'debug'
    let env3 = await client.init(false);
    console.log(`env3:`, JSON.stringify(env3, null, 2))

    let isstart = false
    let result = await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
        if (!isstart) {
            isstart = true

poeChatMessage({ cookie: 'p-b=fxxxx%3D', model: 'Sage', message: 'hello' }, console.log)
boygoboy commented 1 year ago

I just ran your code and I don't have any problems here.


const { BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep } = require("./utils/PoeClient.js")
let modelObj = {
    'Claude-instant': 'a2',
    'Claude+': 'a2_2',
    'GPT-4': 'beaver',
    'Sage': 'capybara',
    'Dragonfly': 'nutria',
    'ChatGPT': 'chinchilla',
    'NeevaAI': 'hutia'

const resetEnv = () => {
    process.env['poe-formkey'] = ''
    process.env['buildId'] = ''
    process.env['capybara_-_Sage_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['capybara_-_Sage_id'] = ''
    process.env['beaver_-_GPT-4_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['beaver_-_GPT-4_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_2_-_Claude_2_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_2_-_Claude_2_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_id'] = ''
    process.env['a2_-_Claude-instant_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['a2_-_Claude-instant_id'] = ''
    process.env['chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_id'] = ''
    process.env['nutria_-_Dragonfly_chatId'] = ''
    process.env['nutria_-_Dragonfly_id'] = ''

// const poeChatMessage = async (opt, handleMessage) => {
//     let { cookie, model, message } = opt
//     model = modelObj[model]
//     const { BotNickNameEnum, PoeClient, sleep } = await import("poe-node-api")
//     const client = new PoeClient({
//         debug: false,
//         cookie
//     })
//     // resetEnv()
//     // await client.updateAllBotInfo()
//     await client.init()
//     // resetEnv()
//     let isstart = false
//     console.log(model)
//     console.log(BotNickNameEnum[model])
//     let result = await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
//         if (!isstart) {
//             handleMessage('[START]')
//             isstart = true
//         }
//         handleMessage(data)
//         console.log(`${data}`)
//     })
//     console.log(result)
//     handleMessage('[DONE]')
// }

const poeChatMessage = async (opt, handleMessage) => {
    let { cookie, model, message } = opt
    model = modelObj[model]
    const client = new PoeClient({
        cookie: cookie,
        env: {
            "poe-formkey": "x",
            "buildId": "x",
            "capybara_-_Sage_chatId": "x",
            "capybara_-_Sage_id": "x==",
            "beaver_-_GPT-4_chatId": "x",
            "beaver_-_GPT-4_id": "x==",
            "a2_2_-_Claude_2_chatId": "x",
            "a2_2_-_Claude_2_id": "x==",
            "a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_chatId": "x",
            "a2_100k_-_Claude-instant-100k_id": "x==",
            "a2_-_Claude-instant_chatId": "x",
            "a2_-_Claude-instant_id": "x==",
            "chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_chatId": "x",
            "chinchilla_-_ChatGPT_id": "x==",
            "nutria_-_Dragonfly_chatId": "x",
            "nutria_-_Dragonfly_id": "x=="
        }, // pass env stored from last time, {"poe-formkey": "xxx", "buildId": "xxx" ......}
        logLevel: 'debug'
    let env3 = await client.init(false);
    console.log(`env3:`, JSON.stringify(env3, null, 2))

    let isstart = false
    let result = await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
        if (!isstart) {
            isstart = true

poeChatMessage({ cookie: 'p-b=fxxxx%3D', model: 'Sage', message: 'hello' }, console.log)

I ran it myself, and the error occurred like this. When the env configuration item is {}, the execution of the init method will jump to the updateAllBotInfo---"getBots method. At this time, let displayName = bot['displayName ']; The variable displayName obtained in is undefined image image

AHGGG commented 1 year ago

image I know why it happened, the official changed the view's data structure. I'll fix it.

boygoboy commented 1 year ago

image I know why it happened, the official changed the view's data structure. I'll fix it.

haha so that's it

AHGGG commented 1 year ago

Try dev again :)

boygoboy commented 1 year ago

Try dev again :)

awesome now it works

const {
} = require('../../../utils/encryption.js')
const {
} = require('../utils/poeClient.js')
let modelObj = {
    'Claude-instant': 'a2',
    'Claude+': 'a2_2',
    'GPT-4': 'beaver',
    'Sage': 'capybara',
    'Dragonfly': 'nutria',
    'ChatGPT': 'chinchilla',
    'NeevaAI': 'hutia'

const poeChatMessage = async (opt, handleMessage) => {
    let {
    } = opt
    cookie = decrypt(cookie)
    model = modelObj[model]
    console.log(`envConfig:`, envConfig)
    const client = new PoeClient({
        cookie: cookie,
        env: envConfig, // pass {"poe-formkey": "xxx", "buildId": "xxx" ......} after fetch them first from client1.init()
        logLevel: 'debug'
    const env = await client.init(false)
    console.log(`env:`, JSON.stringify(env, null, 2))

    let isstart = false
    let result = await client.sendMessage(message, BotNickNameEnum[model], false, (data) => {
        if (!isstart) {
            isstart = true
    handleMessage(`[DONE]${JSON.stringify(env, null, 2)}`)

module.exports = {