Data is loaded and context is retrieved properly, given the user query, but a TypeError occurs when outputting the LLM response.
TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'returnValues' in
Can see LLM-generated response upto the first few sentences than the error occurs.
System: Great question! If you're interested in machine learning, there are several computer science courses at the University of Ottawa that would be perfect for you.
ai-core |
ai-core | Firstly, I would recommend taking the course "Introduction to Machine
Possible error location: at AgentExecutor._call (/core/node_modules/langchain/dist/agents/executor.cjs:429:32)
Potential causes: Something to do with the tools setup with the LLM.
Going to try:
Use Open AI chat model instead of AWS Bedrock's Llama 2.
Data is loaded and context is retrieved properly, given the user query, but a
occurs when outputting the LLM response.Can see LLM-generated response upto the first few sentences than the error occurs.
Possible error location:
at AgentExecutor._call (/core/node_modules/langchain/dist/agents/executor.cjs:429:32)
Potential causes: Something to do with the tools setup with the LLM.
Going to try: