AI4EPS / PhaseNet

PhaseNet: A Deep-Neural-Network-Based Seismic Arrival Time Picking Method
MIT License
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Question about PhaseNet data input specifications #70

Open Tijn-Nederstigt opened 1 year ago

Tijn-Nederstigt commented 1 year ago

I am trying to implement PhaseNet in a seismic station data processing workflow in Python. Using Obspy I am gathering trace data for specific time windows and specific stations. I end up with three component trace data as counts in the form of three numpy ndata arrays.

Looking at the test datasets, it is not immediately clear how to process these arrays to the required npz input csv.files. It also seems that apart from the traces, some station related input files are also necessary.

Is it possible to process numpy arrays to PhaseNet input, and what would be the best course of action here?

saeedsltm commented 1 year ago

In case you have the meta data of your station, simple make an Obspy Stream from your raw data, save it in mseed format, and also make its assocciated response file in xml format, then run PhaseNet.