AI4Finance-Foundation / ElegantRL

Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning. 🔥
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assert 0 <= indices.min() #298

Open Syk-yr opened 1 year ago

Syk-yr commented 1 year ago

我使用PER的时候, important_sampling()函数中常常会因为assert 0 <= indices.min()而报错,相问下为啥会超出范围?

Yonv1943 commented 1 year ago

I have also encountered this issue, so I took the initiative to add an assert statement here. The problem I encountered at that time was that the batch size was larger than the data temporarily collected in the PER.

我也遇到过,所以主动地在这里写了assert 我当时遇到的问题是:batch size 比 PER里面暂时收集到的数据还要多。 解决方案: 可以先往 replay buffer 存入更多的数据。

The solution is to first store more data in the replay buffer. However, it is also possible that there are other problems causing this issue, so you will need to provide more code for us to analyze together.


Syk-yr commented 1 year ago

谢谢作者的解答,我训练SAC时已经运行了将近4.49e+04步才报的错,不过也很奇怪我训练了三次,有两次在4.49e+04步报的错,另一次在4.39e+04报的错?下面函数找leaf_id 中深度的循环少一层,好像与莫凡的代码有点区别,不知道是不是我理解有误?

def get_leaf_id_and_value(self, v) -> Tuple[int, float]:
        """Tree structure and array storage:
        Tree index:
              0       -> storing priority sum
            |  |
          1     2
         | |   | |
        3  4  5  6    -> storing priority for transitions
        Array type for storing: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        p_id = 0  # the leaf's parent node

        for depth in range(self.depth - 2):  # propagate the change through tree
            l_id = min(2 * p_id + 1, self.max_len - 1)  # the leaf's left node
            r_id = l_id + 1  # the leaf's right node
            if v <= self.tree[l_id]:
                p_id = l_id
                v -= self.tree[l_id]
                p_id = r_id
    return leaf_idx, self.tree[leaf_idx]
# 莫凡
def get_leaf(self, v):
        parent_idx = 0
        while True:     # the while loop is faster than the method in the reference code
            cl_idx = 2 * parent_idx + 1         # this leaf's left and right kids
            cr_idx = cl_idx + 1
            if cl_idx >= len(self.tree):        # reach bottom, end search
                leaf_idx = parent_idx
            else:       # downward search, always search for a higher priority node
                if v <= self.tree[cl_idx]:
                    parent_idx = cl_idx
                    v -= self.tree[cl_idx]
                    parent_idx = cr_idx

        data_idx = leaf_idx - self.capacity + 1
        return leaf_idx, self.tree[leaf_idx],[data_idx]
Yonv1943 commented 1 year ago

好的,我周末检查一下。能否提供你创建 ReplayBuffer的最大容量是多少? 是 2 ** 16 吗?

可能是 replay buffer 的size 满了,然后指针从 index 的末尾复位到前列,如果刚好指针p 指向了最后一个元素,那么有可能导致复位发生错误。


            if cl_idx >= len(self.tree):        # reach bottom, end search
                leaf_idx = parent_idx
Syk-yr commented 1 year ago


super1603 commented 1 year ago

请问这个bug现在解决了吗? 我运行demo_PER_prioritized_experience_replay.py报了同样的错误 Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\ElegantRL\examples\", line 99, in train_ddpg_td3_sac_for_lunar_lander_continuous() File "E:\ElegantRL\examples\", line 51, in train_ddpg_td3_sac_for_lunar_lander_continuous train_agent(args) File "E:\ElegantRL\elegantrl\train\", line 89, in train_agent logging_tuple = agent.update_net(buffer) File "E:\ElegantRL\elegantrl\agents\", line 45, in update_net obj_critic, state = self.get_obj_critic(buffer, self.batch_size) File "E:\ElegantRL\elegantrl\agents\", line 71, in get_obj_critic_per states, actions, rewards, undones, next_ss, is_weights, is_indices = buffer.sample_for_per(batch_size) File "E:\ElegantRL\elegantrl\train\", line 134, in sample_for_per _is_indices, _is_weights = sum_tree.important_sampling(batch_size, beg, end, self.per_beta) File "E:\ElegantRL\elegantrl\train\", line 293, in important_sampling assert 0 <= indices.min() AssertionError 我修改了get_leaf_id_and_value函数如下: `

    for depth in range(self.depth - 2):  # propagate the change through tree
        l_id = min(2 * p_id + 1, self.max_len - 1)  # the leaf's left node
        r_id = l_id + 1  # the leaf's right node
        if l_id >= len(self.tree):
            p_id = 0
            if v <= self.tree[l_id]:
                p_id = l_id
                v -= self.tree[l_id]
                p_id = r_id
    return p_id, self.tree[p_id]  # leaf_id and leaf_value

` 但是还是会报相同的错误