AI4Finance-Foundation / FinNLP

Democratizing Internet-scale financial data.
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finnlp/data_sources/news/ xpath bug. #3

Closed asmcos closed 1 year ago

asmcos commented 1 year ago

The xpath of the page has changed, and the new xpath correction is as follows.

 def _gather_pages(self, stock, page):
     # gather the comtent of the first page
        page = etree.HTML(response.text)
        trs = page.xpath('//*[@id="mainlist"]/div/ul/li[1]/table/tbody/tr')
        have_one = False
        for item in trs:
            have_one = True
            read_amount = item.xpath("./td[1]//text()")[0]
            comments = item.xpath("./td[2]//text()")[0]
            title = item.xpath("./td[3]/div/a//text()")[0]
            content_link = item.xpath("./td[3]/div/a/@href")[0]
            author = item.xpath("./td[4]//text()")[0]
            time = item.xpath("./td[5]//text()")[0]
            tmp = pd.DataFrame([read_amount, comments, title, content_link, author, time]).T
            columns = [ "read amount", "comments", "title", "content link", "author", "create time" ]
            tmp.columns = columns
            self.dataframe = pd.concat([self.dataframe, tmp])
        if have_one == False:
            return "break"
oliverwang15 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your information! We have updated and checked the code. You may check it out!