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mpi4py has no module "MPI" #9

Open BruceYanghy opened 3 years ago

BruceYanghy commented 3 years ago

Anyone got this error?

I have a bunch of problems when I use my Windows 10 machine, I would highly suggest using a VM like AWS EC2 or a macOS/ubuntu based machine.

BruceYanghy commented 3 years ago

ErlerPhilipp commented 3 years ago

In case anyone cares, I also had this issue. Looks like installing mpi4py via PIP doesn't work but via conda does.

Here is a conda YML based on the provided requirements.txt to create an environment:

name: drl
  - pytorch
  - anaconda
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - pip
  - numpy>=1.16.4
  - pandas>=1.0.3
  - scikit-learn>=0.21.0
  - gym>=0.15.3
  - tensorflow-gpu=1.14.0
  - joblib>=0.15.1
  - matplotlib>=3.2.1
  - pytest>=5.3.2,<6.0.0
  - setuptools>=41.4.0,<42.0.0
  - wheel>=0.33.6,<0.34.0
  - mpi4py
  - pip:
    - stockstats
    - stable-baselines[mpi]