AIAANortheastern / karman-avionics

The avionics system for the Northeastern University AIAA Project Karman rocket
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Transition from SPI to allow USART in SPI Mode #20

Closed ADKaster closed 7 years ago

ADKaster commented 7 years ago

USART in SPI Mode allows for DMA transfers. The final board will be hooked up assuming that we are going to use USART in SPI mode for all SPI transactions. The difference between the two is that the MOSI and MISO pins are swapped.

The only module that can really take advantage of DMA is the flash memory. So, side issue, figure out how to do that.

It is possible to keep using the SPI peripheral IFF the remap registers on the associated ports are set properly.

This issue only affects the files (drivers and tasks) that configure SPI master modules, and the SPI service api.