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web page The Investor page please use this language #28

Closed Russtbay closed 7 years ago

Russtbay commented 7 years ago

Are You a Real Estate Investor looking to Lend? I Buy As Is Inc has the experience, know-how, and infra-structure in real estate investing that works. Invest your funds with a company with the certified construction process in place. Also, a company with a proven track record of accomplishing the bottom line that any investor would be satisfied with their results. Please fill in contact information so we can send you our detailed targeted prospectus and you decide if we are your future investments partners to move your funds forward to a prosperous consistent result. Contact Information First Name
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Past performance is no guarantee of future performance or that such investment opportunities will become available. These materials are intended only for discussion purposes and should not be relied upon in evaluating the merits of investing in any investment or security. Potential investors who express an interest in investing, will be provided detailed information. I Buy As Is Inc and its partners want to earn your respect by providing you accurate reporting and total anonymity.