AIAnytime / Chat-with-PDF-Chatbot

This Chatbot is an interactive app developed to assist users to interact with their PDF. It is built using Open Source Stack. No OpenAI is required.
MIT License
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Error: type Document is not JSON serializable #3

Open berfinpala opened 1 year ago

berfinpala commented 1 year ago

MarshallComponentException: ('Could not convert component args to JSON', TypeError('Object of type Document is not JSON serializable'))


file "C:..\", line 97, in main() File "C:..I\", line 93, in main display_conversation(st.session_state) File "C:..\", line 65, in display_conversation message(history["generated"][i],key=str(i)) File "C:\Users...conda\envs\myenv\lib\site-packages\", line 104, in message _streamlit_chat(message=message, seed=seed, isUser=is_user, avatarStyle=avatar_style, key=key, allow_html=allow_html, is_table=is_table)

Zaheer-10 commented 1 year ago

Can you provide more detail about your bug?