Bakersfield College Computer Science Club
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Post Constitution #2

Closed pathawks closed 9 years ago

pathawks commented 9 years ago

The Constitution of Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club

BC Student Organization Constitution

PREAMBLE: We, the members of Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose is realized to its fullest extent.

ARTICLE I. NAME Section 1. The name of the organization will be Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club henceforth referred to as Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club. This Organization is established for the expressed purpose of developing leadership skills as well as an awareness of social responsibilities to encourage students to participate in public affairs. This organization is an entity that is initiated and directed by a group of current BC students who share a common vision in promoting an extra-curricular or co-curricular mission that enriches campus or community life and personal development. Student Organizations must be registered with the Office of Student Life in accordance with these policies and procedures. Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club understands and is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities of abiding by Student Government Association at Bakersfield College, Bakersfield College, and Kern Community College District policies.

ARTICLE II. PURPOSE (Mission Statement) Section 1. The purpose of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club is to present the field of computer science to incoming and prospective students of Bakersfield College; to assist current students with computer coding and applications; to present current students with opportunities to meet and ask questions of alumni and other community members working in computer science industries.

Section 2. Hazing encompasses any action or activity that does not contribute to the positive development of a person; which inflicts or intends to cause physical or mental harm or anxieties; and/or which demeans, degrades, or disgraces any person regardless of location, intent, or consent of participants. Hazing can also be defined as any action or situation that intentionally or unintentionally endangers a student for admission to, or affiliation with, any Student Organization. In keeping with the commitment to a positive academic environment, the BC community is unconditionally opposed to any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Respect and cooperation among peers within registered Student Organizations is a guaranteed right that all students possess, regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, accessibility, or national origin.

ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP (Qualification for membership) Section 1. Memberships shall be open to all students at BC. Voting privileges shall be restricted to “regular” membership, which shall be available only to the BC students. All officers must be BC students. Active membership shall be limited to persons officially connected with Bakersfield College as registered students. Students enrolled in the spring semester as well as students enrolled in summer school are eligible for summer membership. Attendance of at least 75% of all meetings during a given semester. Active participation in all activities sponsored by Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club unless the activity interferes with either scholastic or financial constraints. This organization shall meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Friday, beginning within two weeks of the start of the fall term and continuing throughout the year at the same regularity so long as this organization continues to remain registered under the registration policy and guidelines. The decision to require meetings during vacations period and summers will be made by the membership at the regular or called meeting.

Section 2. Annual dues shall be set at $10.00 for each member. This fee may be waived at the discretion of the Faculty Advisor due to financial constraints. Unless dues are waived, members who fail to pay dues will not be qualified to run for officer positions or vote in elections, but will be allowed to participate in other club activities. No refunds of dues will be given for voluntary withdrawal of membership.

Section 3. This organization complies with all federal laws, executive orders and state regulations pertaining thereto and does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, nation origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, except in the case of designated fraternal organizations which are exempted by federal law from Title IX Regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex.

ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS (Duties) Section 1. Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club will be governed by the following means:

President: The President (or other designated officer) shall be a BC Student and shall provide guidance, direction and support for the organization in pursuit of its goals and objectives. The president shall also have the specific powers to call a general or special meeting and be responsible for the conduct of such meetings. An elected President will preside at all meetings. The President will maintain the power to appoint all committee chairpersons, shall present all motions to the body present and shall be present at 90% of the meetings.

Treasurer: The Treasurer (or other designated officer) shall keep an accurate record of all financial transactions of the Student Organization. This officer shall collect dues, arrange for payment of debts and keep a current account of the financial status of the organization. The Treasurer shall be a BC student. The Treasurer will report to the President and to the Faculty Advisor.

ICC Representative: The ICC Representative (or other designated officer) shall be a consistent member of the Student Organization and help in the processing of the organization. The ICC Representative will meet on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month with the Bakersfield College SGA Director of Clubs and Organizations. The ICC Representative will be the liaison between the SGA senate and the Student Organization.

• When club membership is sufficient to provide for additional officers, the positions of Secretary and Web Master will be elected.

o Secretary: The Secretary (or other designated officer) shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the Student Organization. The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying all active members of all meetings and provide copies of the minutes of the previous meetings to all member present at each meeting. The Secretary shall be a BC student. o Web Master: The Web Master will sit on the Web Page Submissions Committee and be responsible for posting submissions that have been approved by the committee. The Web Master will be responsible for reporting to the Treasurer for any financial responsibilities connected with managing the club Web Page.

Faculty Advisor: The organization shall have a Student Organization Advisor who shall be a member of the BC Faculty or Staff. Specific responsibilities of the advisor shall be to: regularly attend general and executive board meetings; provide guidance to the officers; receive all financial statements and oversee all financial transactions of the organization; ensure that officers meet the minimum requirements for holding office as established by the College and the organization’s constitution and bylaws; provide advice regarding membership selection procedures and responsibilities; review and sign the organization’s annual registration packet; and provide reasonable guidance, leadership, and advice.

Article V. Operations (Processes) Section 1. Meetings: All meetings will occur on a twice monthly basis or other regular basis at a time selected and will follow the procedure set forth below:

  1. Attendance
  2. Report by the President
  3. Committee reports
  4. Vote on all committee motions and decisions
  5. Any other business put forward by the members of the club
  6. Dismissal by the President

Election of Officers: All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of eligible voting members of Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club. All elections will be held on an annual basis during the month of February. The President will take nominations from the floor, the nomination process must be closed and the movement seconded. Any nominated person not willing to serve will not be required to serve in the position nominated. The nominated parties will be allowed to vote. All voting shall be done by secret ballot to be collected and tabulated by the Secretary (or designated individual) and one voting member appointed by the outgoing President.

Officer Term: No officer may serve more than two consecutive terms. Nominations shall come from the membership at a regular (called) meeting. Winners shall be determined by a majority vote from the membership present provided that a majority of the membership is in attendance.

Removal of Officers: In the case where officers’ posts become vacant due to a cause other than impeachment, then replacement shall be according to the normal procedure: nomination from the floor and majority vote. Any officer in violation of the organization's purpose or constitution may be removed from office by the following process:

  1. A written request by at least three members of the organization
  2. Written notification to the officer of the request, asking the officer to be present at the next meeting and prepared to speak
  3. Discussion by the membership in regular or called meeting where a majority of the membership is in attendance;
  4. Opportunity for the accused to testify and/or defend;
  5. Motion to impeach followed by a second; and
  6. Three-fourths voting plurality at said meeting in support of the impeachment.

Quorum: the number of persons required to hold a bona fide meeting shall be a majority of the registered membership (meaning one more than half of the registered membership).

Voting: All official Student Organization decisions shall require a simple majority vote of the membership present at either a regular or called meeting provided a majority of the membership is present; with the exception of a regular or called meeting provided a majority of the membership is present; with the exception of impeachment votes which require a three-fourths vote plurality, and amendments which require two-thirds plurality. Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III will be granted voting privileges.

Disqualification: Any member who fails to maintain 75% attendance at regular meetings shall be removed from the active membership roster. Any member who exhibits conduct that is in violation of Bakersfield College policies shall be removed permanently from the membership roster and will be disqualified from renewal of membership and barred from further participation. A member may be disqualified from membership following a formal request from at least three active members in good standing. Such requests will be reviewed by the officers of the Student Organization and follow the same procedures required for removal of officers.

ARTICLE VI. FINANCES (Budgets and Monies) Section 1. Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club will finance the activities it engages in by the following means: Membership dues: $10.00 Annual The Student Organization will contact the Office of Student Life before obligating College funds (including initiating, purchasing or committing funds) and to adhere to the BC’s Procurement Process. The Student Organization may NOT have a bank account outside the College. The President, Treasurer, and Student Organization Advisor agree to attend financial meetings as needed. Student Organization agrees to maintain a detailed budget and understand that the members are liable for overdrafts. If there are insufficient funds to cover bills accrued on the organization’s behalf, the officers and Student Organization Advisor responsible at the time of incurring these costs agree to pay such expenses. The members of the organization agree to contact the Office of Student Life to develop fundraising strategies that comply with the College and Foundation policies and procedures prior to soliciting or receiving.

ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS Section 1. The constitution is binding to all members of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club. But the constitution is not binding unto itself. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing by any voting member at any regular meeting. These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Voting for amendment of the proposal shall require approval by a majority (50% plus one) at a meeting at which 2/3 of the voting members are present. Amendments require:

  1. Motion
  2. Second
  3. Discussion
  4. Two-thirds voting plurality Said amendments shall be submitted to the Office of Student Life.

ARTICLE VIII. REGISTRATION RENEWAL Section 1. Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club will apply to the Office of Student Life for registration on an annual basis prior to Labor Day. Active registered status commences when the Student Organization has completed the requirements for registration. This status continues until the first day of September of the each academic year.


• The Web Page Submissions Committee shall be comprised of the officers who will select appropriate submissions for inclusion on the Student Organization Web Page. • The officers shall be empowered to select a member to sit on the Web Page Submissions Committee. • The time and place of regular meetings may be changed by vote of the membership.

pathawks commented 9 years ago

Wow, why does it think I left that comment? Strange.

ChadH1971 commented 9 years ago

Did I do it wrong? On Nov 21, 2014 10:31 PM, "Pat Hawks" wrote:

Wow, why does it think I left that comment? Strange.

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asterwolf commented 9 years ago

I don't see what you're talking about? Probably because I didn't go through it all. Yet alone the first sentence. :p

pathawks commented 9 years ago

No, I just don't know how you posted the comment as me.


ChadH1971 commented 9 years ago

I clicked on the pencil next to the issue and pasted in the Constitution. On Nov 21, 2014 10:53 PM, "Pat Hawks" wrote:

No, I just don't know how you posted the comment as me.

[image: comment]

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ChadH1971 commented 9 years ago

Is it because I am listed as an OWNER in the organization?

asterwolf commented 9 years ago

Oh, yeah I saw that but figured chad made a mistake and so you reposted it.

ChadH1971 commented 9 years ago

I just posted it in what seemed like the BODY of the issue.

pathawks commented 9 years ago

Is it because I am listed as an OWNER in the organization?

Could be. This is the first time I've been the owner of a team, so this is unexplored territory.

I just posted it in what seemed like the BODY of the issue.

Probably should have added a comment instead. No big deal; we have it here now.

I actually meant for this and #3 to just be reminders that we need to post these things on the site, once we have a site, but it's good that they are here now.

You have no idea how happy it makes me that we're all using Github together now! It's like we can start really getting some stuff done!!

I saw that but figured chad made a mistake and so you reposted it.
