AIChallenger / AI_Challenger_2017

AI Challenger, a platform for open datasets and programming competitions to artificial intelligence (AI) talents around the world.
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about submit json file #15

Closed chenghuige closed 6 years ago

chenghuige commented 6 years ago

in caption_validation_annotations_20170910.json "image_id": "3cd32bef87ed98572bac868418521852ac3f6a70.jpg" So the in the predicted json file for submit just be like below? [ { "caption": "一个面对着蓝天大海的女人坐在海边的沙滩椅子", "image_id": "3cd32bef87ed98572bac868418521852ac3f6a70" } ] remove '.jpg' for each image ?

zhhezhhe commented 6 years ago

@chenghuige Yes.

AIChallenger commented 6 years ago

@chenghuige You are right.

chenghuige commented 6 years ago

Thanks, closed.