AIChallenger / AI_Challenger_2017

AI Challenger, a platform for open datasets and programming competitions to artificial intelligence (AI) talents around the world.
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How to download or use ai challenger dataset ? #41

Open salihkaragoz opened 6 years ago

salihkaragoz commented 6 years ago

I can't download ai challenger dataset from aichallenger dataset website? Is there any link that i can download?

Thanks in advance... @kingulight @hitvoice @zhhezhhe @leonlulu @bmyan

zhhezhhe commented 6 years ago在 2018年2月1日,下午10:46,Salih Karagoz 写道:I can't download ai challenger dataset from aichallenger dataset website? Is there any link that i can download?Thanks in advance...—You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

@zhhezhhe the link you provide isn't working. I can download val and test sets but not train set. It gave network error every time I've tried for 1 month.

salihkaragoz commented 6 years ago

@mkocabas You're in luck rather than me. @zhhezhhe I can't open an account for download yet. The website didn't accept my phone code. I'm stuck in first step :((

wcy116 commented 6 years ago

@mkocabas Hello, I have downloaded the train and val dataset in other website but I can't download the test dataset, can you share it for me?

salihkaragoz commented 6 years ago

@wcy116 hi can you share train data and annotations? Thanks in advance

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

Hi @wcy116, I'm uploading the images to cloud and will share when it is done. Could you share the website that you downloaded train dataset?

wcy116 commented 6 years ago

@salihkaragoz @mkocabas Hi, this is the website the speed maybe a little slow, good luck :)

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

@wcy116 here are the links. Can you let me know when you finish downloading? I'll delete them to free space in my drive.

wcy116 commented 6 years ago

@mkocabas Thank you very much! I will @ you after finishing downloading.

wcy116 commented 6 years ago

@mkocabas I have downloaded them, thank you.👍

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

@wcy116, you're welcome. However, I couldn't download the dataset from the link you provided. It is extremely slow and connection was lost each time. Is it possible to share the training set with us through a cloud service (drive, onedrive, dropbox etc.)?

wcy116 commented 6 years ago

@mkocabas maybe you can try multcloud to update the file to your google cloud then download it.

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

@wcy116 Is it a cloud transfer service?

isarandi commented 6 years ago

As far as I can see there is no way of downloading the dataset without uploading a scan of one's passport or national ID and also verifying one's phone number.

The dataset seems quite large and interesting, however, such a requirement will be prohibitive for the widespread adoption of this dataset as a standard benchmark.

mkocabas commented 6 years ago

You're absoluttely right. Even you upload a valid ID, the download link is broken :(

iitzco commented 5 years ago

Hi all, i'm arriving late to this thread...

I've been trying to download the skeletal keypoints training dataset from the official website here but the link appears to be completely broken.

Is there a possibility for someone to give me access to the dataset? Maybe someone has it backed up in a cloud service and you could provide me some download links...

Thanks in advance and hope someone can help me!

iitzco commented 5 years ago

Solved! Just tried https and it worked.

Original link was this one...just changed http for https

zhhezhhe commented 5 years ago

@zhhezhhe the link you provide isn't working. I can download val and test sets but not train set. It gave network error every time I've tried for 1 month.

@mkocabas Now, some datasets can be download at the url. like

hungumi commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for the provided URL and resources.

ashuezy commented 5 years ago


Can anyone share links for chinese - english dataset ?

chde222 commented 4 years ago

@zhhezhhe the link you provide isn't working. I can download val and test sets but not train set. It gave network error every time I've tried for 1 month.

could you share your test data to me .thanks advance

chde222 commented 4 years ago

@zhhezhhe the link you provide isn't working. I can download val and test sets but not train set. It gave network error every time I've tried for 1 month.

could you share me the test sets....thanks

adaszko commented 4 years ago

Hi. I can't login onto the website either to download the datasets (I'm getting an Username or password is incorerct. error). Perhaps the dataset could be distributed over the dat protocol or BitTorrent? That would reduce the bandwidth requirements on the server and make it easier to download.

tgpsantos commented 4 years ago

I am getting the same login error as @adaszko . I've just registered and when I try to login I get "Username or password is incorerct.". I've tried the forgot password link but didn't work as well

zhhezhhe commented 4 years ago


数据集是AI Challenger第一届比赛的三个赛道的数据集:Caption,keypoints, Scene 本数据集属于创新工场,作为研究目的所使用,不能作为商业目的使用。 关于数据集的所有解释权归创新工场所拥有。现友情提供下载链接, 仅限用于学术研究,仅限用于学术研究,仅限用于学术研究 。

Only for research

Only for research

Only for research

Caption train:链接: 密码:asix Caption validation :链接: 密码:dcnn

Keypoint train:链接: 密码:43om Keypoint validation:链接: 密码:ti41

Scene train :链接: 密码:vou3 Scene validation :链接: 密码:5ogk

CSwbli commented 4 years ago


数据集是AI Challenger第一届比赛的三个赛道的数据集:字幕,关键点,场景 本数据集属于创新工场,作为研究目的所使用,不能作为商业目的使用。 关于数据集的所有解释权归创新工场拥有。现友情提供下载链接,仅用于学术研究,仅用于学术研究,仅用于学术研究。




字幕训练:链接:https ://密码:asix 字幕验证:链接:https ://密码:dcnn

关键点训练:链接:https ://密码:43om 关键点验证:链接:https ://密码:ti41

场景训练:链接:https ://密码:vou3 场景验证:链接:https ://密码:5ogk


CSwbli commented 4 years ago


原始链接是这个 ...只是将_HTTP_更改为https


uday60 commented 4 years ago

Can someone give dropbox links ?

I have been waiting for 2 years for the dataset.