AIChallenger / AI_Challenger_2017

AI Challenger, a platform for open datasets and programming competitions to artificial intelligence (AI) talents around the world.
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python ...error #43

Open NEUdeep opened 5 years ago

NEUdeep commented 5 years ago

iebsn@iebsn-HP-Z440-Workstation:~/project/scene-classification/AI_Challenger_2017-master/Evaluation/scene_classification_eval$ ### python --submit ./s ubmit.json --ref ./ref.json warnning: lacking image 7df98fcd7a85281f845910af403ba65ca1494b60.jpg in your submission file Evaluation time of your result: 0.014003 s {'warning': ['Inconsistent number of images between submission and reference data \n', u'lacking image 7df98fcd7a85281f845910af403ba65ca1494b60.jpg in your submission file \n'], 'score': '0.8', 'error': []}

when I run eg.eval file,I got this error,how to sovle it ? thanks.

NEUdeep commented 5 years ago
