Closed MichaelTiemannOSC closed 1 year ago
@MichaelTiemannOSC please send a request to user for this repo. we this issue will look for the invite and accept it.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what is means to "send a request to [a] user". I know how to file issues, make pull requests, assign resources and labels, etc. But not how to send a request.
That alright , i can help you with this before we invite the sesheta to be the contributor can you please confirm, this is in regards with image build for the repo? or is it regarding something else?
I want to be able to put an image on Quay that can be used for automating notebook pipelines. Vincent Caldeira has suggested that I really should be building images to run in Airflow, not Elyra, if that matters. But in any case, it will be something derived from an AICoE Dockerfile, with python module dependencies appropriate for use in OS-Climate.
ack, sesheta is already a member of os-climate org. For the build process, now we are just missing build details:
Base image:
As you said airflow could be something that you would like to use, we dont have any image for airflow , so that would be upto which base image to use.
if you would like something based on elyra use:
Update this value with the selected base image:
Build strategy: s2i and dockerfile both are allowed. Update this value with the selected option: If prefered dockerfile switch with these line:
Quay repo: you would have to create a repo in os-climate quay org. like this in the setting of the repo, you would have to select the os-climate-pusher bot from dropdown under the section robot premission with write access and update the similar to
Line can be removed it is if user want to run custom script when using s2i. After these setting , all is set for custom build on each github tag creation.
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@sesheta: Closing this issue.
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