AIDASoft / DD4hep

Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Varying roughness of optical surface for reflection #1183

Closed Mekhpar closed 9 months ago

Mekhpar commented 10 months ago


I am a grad student working with Dr Sarah Eno on a dual readout single crystal calorimeter. I have used a ground dielectric metal surface as a rough reflector for my crystal, but cannot figure out where to put in the roughness parameter sigma_alpha for specular lobe reflection. My surface is defined here: Could you please advise on how to change the surface roughness?

Thanks, Mekhala

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 10 months ago

Hi, I do not know how this can be done, because I also do not know what has to be done with this information when setting up Geant4. I am pretty convinced such functionality is (not yet) present in DD4hep. If you could please point me to a appropriate example in Geant4, I can investigate a possible solution for DD4hep.

Cheers, Markus

Mekhpar commented 10 months ago

Here is an example: G4OpticalSurface * MakeS_Polished() {

static const unsigned nentries = flatentries; static double phoE[nentries] = {minenergy, maxenergy}; static double specularlobe[nentries] = {1.0, 1.0};

////////////////////////////////// // Realistic polished surface ////////////////////////////////// G4OpticalSurface surface = new G4OpticalSurface("PolishedOpSurface"); surface->SetType(dielectric_dielectric); surface->SetModel(unified); surface->SetFinish(ground); // necessary even for polished surfaces to enable UNIFIED code surface->SetSigmaAlpha(1.3 degree);

G4MaterialPropertiesTable *table = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();

table->AddProperty( "SPECULARLOBECONSTANT", phoE, specularlobe, nentries); surface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(table);

return surface; }

Is this what you are looking for? Thanks, Mekhala

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 10 months ago

Thanks! This already helps. My question was more: is there an existing example in the Geant4 release, which shows this usage? These must be somwhere in the Geant4 installation:

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 10 months ago

Soooo. when you create an optical surface in dd4hep you use this constructor:

    /// Initializing constructor.
    OpticalSurface(Detector& detector,
                   const std::string& name,
                   EModel  model    = Model::kMglisur,
                   EFinish finish   = Finish::kFpolished,
                   EType   type     = Type::kTdielectric_dielectric,
                   double  value    = 1.0);

Here you give all the properties needed and which can be found in the ROOT header TGeoOpticalSurface.h. These then get automatically propagated to Geant4 in the Geant4Converter.cpp (lines 1384 +):

    G4SurfaceType          type   = geant4_surface_type(optSurf->GetType());
    G4OpticalSurfaceModel  model  = geant4_surface_model(optSurf->GetModel());
    G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish = geant4_surface_finish(optSurf->GetFinish());
    string name = make_NCName(optSurf->GetName());
    g4 = new G4OpticalSurface(name, model, finish, type, optSurf->GetValue());

together with the tabulated properties and the const-properties like e.g. SPECULARLOBECONSTANT. From all I can see, it should work out of the box provided you construct the surfaces correctly in dd4hep.

Mekhpar commented 10 months ago

Yes but in Geant4Converter.cpp we also have

so if I could get the object representing the optical surface I could set it like g4->SetSigmaAlpha(argument_value) that would be great - as far as I know I cannot do that in the above constructor (unless the 'value' parameter has something to do with it)

So how do I do that?

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 10 months ago

g4->SetSigmaAlpha(argument_value) OOps. I completely missed this one. I will have a look at the issue. Are there more values one possibly want to set ?

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 10 months ago

I have to correct myself: It is all there. When you construct the surface in dd4hep, use the arrrow operator to set sigma_alphs directly to the TGeoOptical surface.

OpticalSurface os   = surfMgr.opticalSurface(...);

That's it. What is not there is the propagation of the polish, because it is not supported by older versions of Geant4. If you need, you have to uncomment in Geant4Converter.cpp

I think this answer solves your issue. If so, please close the issue to avoid too many dangling and resolved issues.

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 9 months ago

Assumed fixed and explained. Closed due to no reaction.