AIDASoft / DD4hep

Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Handles : several issues of these user facing objects #924

Open sponce opened 2 years ago

sponce commented 2 years ago

One of the main problems LHCb users have been facing when using DD4hep is the concept of Handles and its oddities compared to 'standard' C++ objects. Just to cite a few :

This last point is the most problematic of all, and creates a lot of troubles. in particular it breaks the whole idea of virtuality at the base of many C++ constructs. Think of a simple vector<Handles>, hosting obviously Handles on different types all inheriting from the same base. It just does not work !

This also has another bad consequence when implementing the code of a pair MyObject/MyElement=Handle<MyObject> : you basically need to have all the code in MyObject and then replicate all signatures in the Handle. I known the theory is that the code should be in the Handle, but that actually quickly fails as soon as some functions are calling each other, since the object has no possibility to call a function on the Handle. Net result is that all our Handles are pure facade, not really needed and only creating troubles.

MarkusFrankATcernch commented 2 years ago

Handles are an intrinsic ingredient to DD4hep meant to support various views onto relatively simple structures. DD4hep internally prefers to expose data structures which are as simple as possible while at the same time being as complicated as necessary. These objects are then manipulated by Handles, smart pointer objects which sometimes have specialized functionality depending on the contained data type. It is seen as a clear advantage that these smart pointer objects do not impose any restrictions on the underlying object except the accessibility of the contained data.

The lifetime of DD4hep objects is clearly defined by the lifetime of the dd4hep::Detector object (which in turn defines the lifetime of ROOT's TGeoManager). Conditions are managed by the ConditionsManager object under the steering of the embedding framework. There is also no memory model imposed which would possibly lead to performance penalties. Hence, handles can be applied to pointers to any data structures independent of their origin:

This freedom to attach handle based facades to virtually any data item allows for optimized data views depending on the application needs, and special views can be constructed for reconstruction, simulation, tracking, etc. applications.

In particular when designing DD4hep the aim was to support these three types of data views:

This design was described in the first DD4hep publication: M Frank et al 2014 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 513 022010.

However, having said that, there is absolutely no restriction which would inhibit toolkit users from extending any of the internally used DD4hep classes such as e.g. the dd4hep::DetElement data object dd4hep::detail::DetElementObject with their own implementation supporting further enhanced functionality both in terms of additional data and additional member functions provided the user specialized class inherits from the DD4hep provided base. Obviously such enhancements do not hold for the geometry classes provided by ROOT because here the ROOT framework internally calls its object constructors. Hence, though DD4hep internally uses templated handles to manipulate data objects, DD4hep allows for all freedom to extend any of the internally used objects and a priori no restrictions are imposed by the DD4hep framework besides the mentioned inheritance.

The design approach of DD4hep to internally use handles to manipulate objects which is also offered to clients clearly has difficulties to support the Liskov substitution principle. This was a conscious decision when designing DD4hep.

Frameworks which see the substitution principle for the implementation of the simple data structures mandatory for its functionality clearly are limited and cannot benefit from the advantages handles offer, unless

To conclude:

I hope this explanation clarifies the situation. For the above reasons I have serious problems to see here any restriction imposed by DD4hep. DD4hep has clearly broken with the object oriented approach to describe data together with functionality in one "class". This was a conscious decision that so far was not regretted and shall not change. This limitation though can easily be overcome when overloading and exposing objects held by handles as described above.

sponce commented 2 years ago

Although I can understand the logic of what you're saying, it feels like you've chosen the wrong language to implement your handle concept ! Indeed, you're "consciously" colliding frontally with several C++ foundations, in particular the substitution principle, as you mention it, but more widely inheritance and object orientation. This makes the end user completely disoriented as most of the main principles and good practices of C++ are not applicable, if not dangerous in DD4hep world. The only thing that can come out of such a conflict is chaos and failures. And we've nicely tested it for you in LHCb :-(

Now, independently of the conceptual problem, I'd like practical answers to practical problems, so again :

sponce commented 2 years ago

And last small question : how do I reopen this issue ? It seems that commenting did not reopen it ?