AIDAVA-DEV / AIDAVA-Reference-Ontology

AIDAVA Reference Ontology
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Extend AIDAVA ontology with SNOMED, LOINC and ATC codes which are used by Breast Cancer Registry or for the Smart Risko Score calculation #72

Closed KateSerafimova closed 2 months ago

KateSerafimova commented 3 months ago

Here is the list of all codes that will be used for Breast Cancer Registry or for the Smart Risko Score calculation. Please note that ATC and LOINC (except LOINC:LP145994-2) codes will be available, but we need to double check again! However SNOMED is partially included in SPHN and thus some of the concepts might be missing.

Breast cancer registry use case:

404684003 |Clinical finding (finding) :white_check_mark: 64368001 |Excision of part of breast (procedure)| :no_entry: 428923005 |Radiotherapy to breast (procedure)| :no_entry: 445232009 |Boost radiation therapy (procedure)| :no_entry: 392090004 |Operation on breast (procedure)| :no_entry: 108290001 |Radiotherapy (procedure) :white_check_mark: 367336001 |Chemotherapy (procedure)| :no_entry: 392090004 |Operation on breast (procedure)|) :no_entry: 168522007 |Radiotherapy for lymphatic irradiation (procedure) :no_entry:

Smart Risk Score calculation use case:

184099003 |Date of birth (observable entity :white_check_mark: 248153007 |Male (finding) :no_entry: 248152002 | Female (finding) | :no_entry: 77176002 |Smoker (finding) :no_entry: 160617001 |Stopped smoking :no_entry: 8392000 |Non-smoker :no_entry: LOINC: 8480-6 :white_check_mark: Systolic blood pressure 73211009 |Diabetes mellitus (disorder) :no_entry:
53741008 |Coronary arteriosclerosis (disorder) :no_entry:
394659003 |Acute coronary syndrome (disorder) :no_entry: 22298006 |Myocardial infarction (disorder) :no_entry:
415070008 |Percutaneous coronary intervention (procedure) :no_entry:
232717009 |Coronary artery bypass grafting (procedure) :no_entry:
230690007 |Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) :no_entry:
266257000 |Transient ischemic attack (disorder) :no_entry: 432504007 |Cerebral infarction (disorder) :no_entry: 88032003 |Amaurosis fugax (disorder) :no_entry:
175362007 |Carotid and/or cerebral and/or subclavian artery operations (procedure) :no_entry: 233985008 |Abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) :no_entry:
67362008 |Aortic aneurysm (disorder) :no_entry:
32907006 |Operation on aorta (procedure) :no_entry:
840580004 |Peripheral arterial disease (disorder)| :no_entry:
63491006 |Intermittent claudication (finding)| :no_entry: 446841001 | Ankle brachial pressure index (observable entity)| :no_entry: 387713003 | Surgical procedure (procedure) :no_entry: like:

LOINC:14647-2 :white_check_mark: Cholesterol [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma LOINC:14646-4 :white_check_mark: Cholesterol in HDL [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma LOINC:62238-1 :white_check_mark: Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq M.predicted [Volume Rate/Area] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Creatinine-based formula (CKD-EPI) LOINC:LP145994-2 :no_entry: LOINC:30522-7 :white_check_mark: C reactive protein [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma by High sensitivity method

ATC = B01AC :white_check_mark: ATC = B01AF :white_check_mark:

KateSerafimova commented 2 months ago


64368001 |Excision of part of breast (procedure)| 428923005 |Radiotherapy to breast (procedure)| 445232009 |Boost radiation therapy (procedure)| 392090004 |Operation on breast (procedure)| 367336001 |Chemotherapy (procedure)| 168522007 |Radiotherapy for lymphatic irradiation (procedure)

248153007 |Male (finding) 248152002 | Female (finding) | 77176002 |Smoker (finding) 160617001 |Stopped smoking 8392000 |Non-smoker 73211009 |Diabetes mellitus (disorder) 53741008 |Coronary arteriosclerosis (disorder) 394659003 |Acute coronary syndrome (disorder) 22298006 |Myocardial infarction (disorder) 415070008 |Percutaneous coronary intervention (procedure) 232717009 |Coronary artery bypass grafting (procedure) 230690007 |Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) 266257000 |Transient ischemic attack (disorder) 432504007 |Cerebral infarction (disorder) 88032003 |Amaurosis fugax (disorder) 175362007 |Carotid and/or cerebral and/or subclavian artery operations (procedure) 233985008 |Abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) 67362008 |Aortic aneurysm (disorder) 32907006 |Operation on aorta (procedure) 840580004 |Peripheral arterial disease (disorder)| 63491006 |Intermittent claudication (finding)| 446841001 | Ankle brachial pressure index (observable entity)| 387713003 | Surgical procedure (procedure)

LOINC:LP145994-2 as subclass of