Closed ralyodio closed 3 months ago
seems broken. i added skillsAcquired: to each position. still getting the error.
please follow in detail the template I provided, in your plain_text_resume is surely missing the part about "certifications", if you don't follow the rules well it can never work. @ralyodio
`personal_information: name: "[Your name]" surname: "[Your surname]" dateOfBirth: "[Your Date of Birth]" country: "[Your country]" city: "[Your city]" address: "[Your address]" phonePrefix: "[Your phone number prefix]" phone: "[Your phone number]" email: "[Your email]" github: "[Link]" linkedin: "[Link]"
self_identification: gender: "[Specific gender identification]" pronouns: "[Your Pronouns]" veteran: [true/false] disability: [true/false] ethnicity: "[Specify ethnicity]"
legal_authorization: euWorkAuthorization: [true/false] usWorkAuthorization: [true/false] requiresUsVisa: [true/false] legallyAllowedToWorkInUs: [true/false] requiresUsSponsorship: [true/false] requiresEuVisa: [true/false] legallyAllowedToWorkInEu: [true/false] requiresEuSponsorship: [true/false]
work_preferences: remoteWork: [true/false] inPersonWork: [true/false] openToRelocation: [true/false] willingToCompleteAssessments: [true/false] willingToUndergoDrugTests: [true/false] willingToUndergoBackgroundChecks: [true/false]
projects: project1: "[Description of significant projects you've worked on + if available repo link]" project2: "[Description of significant projects you've worked on + if available repo link]"
availability: noticePeriod: "[Specify notice period]"
salary_expectations: salaryRangeUSD: "[Specify your salary expectations in USD]"
skills: problemSolving: "[Years]" criticalThinking: "[Years]" adaptability: "[Years]" perfectionism: "[Years]" yourSkill: "[Years]" yourSkill: "[Years]"
if your doubts persist enter the telegram group, so we can discuss it more easily - > @ralyodio