CV-VAE: A Compatible Video VAE for Latent Generative Video Models
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A question about applying on SVD #3

Open zhtjtcz opened 3 months ago

zhtjtcz commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your excellent work! At the end of the paper, it says"existing video models such as SVD can generate smoother videos with four times more frame using our video VAE by slightly fine-tuning a few parameter". I am wondering if you plan to publish the SVD weights after fine-tuning?

sijeh commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your excellent work! At the end of the paper, it says"existing video models such as SVD can generate smoother videos with four times more frame using our video VAE by slightly fine-tuning a few parameter". I am wondering if you plan to publish the SVD weights after fine-tuning?

Thank you for your attention. The inference code and model weights of SVD + CV-VAE will be coming soon.

Gitterman69 commented 2 months ago

please ping here as soon as its released :) thanks youuuu

zhtjtcz commented 1 month ago

Any update plan?