Official implementation of SEED-LLaMA (ICLR 2024).
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About Gradio Version #8

Closed MajorDavidZhang closed 7 months ago

MajorDavidZhang commented 7 months ago


Firstly, I'd like to express my gratitude for your efforts in developing this project. While attempting to run, I've run into some compatibility issues with Gradio. It appears that the script relies on an older version of Gradio that isn't compatible with the latest release (4.3.0).

To resolve this, I downgraded Gradio to version 3.50.0, after which everything worked as expected. I suggest specifying the particular version of Gradio in the requirements.txt file to prevent similar issues for other users.

geyuying commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for the suggestions!