AILab-FOI / akdb

An experimental relational DBMS developed by students @ Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb
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Testirati SQL u serveru/klijentu i popisati nedostatke #176

Open mschatten opened 5 years ago

mschatten commented 5 years ago

U klijentskom sučelju testirati sve SQL naredbe i popisati ih. Provjeriti koje još naredbe su implementirane na strani C koda (bilo u obliku konkretne naredbe, bilo u obliku funkcionalnosti koja se može upotrijebiti), a nisu u Pythonu te ih također popisati. Na kraju, provjeriti koje standardne SQL naredbe nisu obuhvaćene niti prvim niti drugim dijelom, te ih također popisati. Sve popise poslati ovamo u komentar.

TheJakov commented 5 years ago

Javljam se za rješavanje ovog problema.

TheJakov commented 5 years ago

Ovaj odgovor se proteže kroz 4 odlomka:

I. Popis naredbi koje su "implementirane" i trenutno dostupne u sučelju klijenta su:

\q - Disconnect from the server and quit akdb client. \? - List all commands supported in akdb. _\d - Prints out table details \p - Prints out table \t ?_ - Check whether the given table exists in database or not.
_create index _ - Create index create user \<username> with password \<password> - Create user _create trigger _ - Create trigger _create sequence _ - Creating sequence in AK_sequence table _create table _ - Create table _create view as - Create view (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _create function returns - Create function (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter index - Alter index (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter table - Alter table (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter sequence - Alter sequence (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter view - Alter view (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _select _ - Select data from table
_update _ - Update table _insert into _ - Insert command
_grant _ - Grant privilege _drop _ - Drop sql object _begin commit - Transaction (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ history - List all previously typed commands.

II. Testiranje naredbi koje su implementirane i trenutno dostupne u sučelju klijenta

1) \q - Ispravno radi :heavy_check_mark:

2) \? - Ispravno radi :heavy_check_mark:

3) _\d _ - Uzrokuje crash servera :x: -> :heavy_check_mark: AttributeError: Table_details_command instance has no attribute 'execute'

4) _\p _ - Ne radi :x:

5) _\t ?_ - Ne radi :x:

6) _create index _ - Ne radi :x:

7) create user \<username> with password \<password> - Ne radi :x: akdb>create user myuser with password jakov Wrong command.

8) _create trigger _ - Ne radi :x:

9) _create sequence _ - Ne radi, uzrokuje crash servera :x:

10) _create table _ - Ne može se potvrditi ispravnost implementacije naredbe jer funkcija za provjeru da li tablica postoji ne radi :warning: akdb>create table tablica(redak varchar(30)) Table created akdb>\t tablica? Table does not exist.

11) _create view as _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za CREATE VIEW naredbu :question: akdb>create view comedies as select * from films where kind = 'comedy' Wrong command.

_create function returns _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za CREATE FUNCTION naredbu :question: create function add(integer, integer) returns integer as 'select $1 + $2;' language sql returns null on null input Wrong command.

12) _alter index _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za ALTER INDEX naredbu :question: create index idx_name on jakov(name) Wrong command. alter index idx_name rename to idx_test Wrong command.

13) _alter table _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za ALTER TABLE naredbu :question:

14) _alter sequence _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za ALTER SEQUENCE naredbu :question:

15) _alter view _ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za ALTER VIEW naredbu :question:

16) _select _ - Ne radi :x:

17) _update _ - Ne radi :x:

18) _insert into _ - Ne može se potvrditi ispravnost implementacije naredbe jer funkcija za provjeru da li tablica postoji ne radi :warning: akdb>create table jakov2(ime varchar(30)) Table created akdb>insert into jakov2 values ('mojeime') Wrong command. akdb>insert into jakov2(ime) values ('mojeime') Wrong command.

19) _grant _ - Ne može se potvrditi ispravnost implementacije naredbe jer funkcija za provjeru da li tablica postoji ne radi :warning:

2) Server: 2019-04-17 00:08:18,065 - INFO - create table novcic(boja varchar(30)) . . . 2019-04-17 00:08:31,654 - INFO - grant insert on novcic to public . . . Printing out : ` Invalid table name or username! ERROR: User or table does not exsist: publicnovcic`

20) _drop _ - Naredba uzrokuje crash servera. :x: Ne može se potvrditi ispravnost implementacije naredbe jer funkcija za provjeru da li tablica postoji ne radi :warning:

21) _begin commit_ - Ne radi :x: , nema apsolutno nikakvu implementaciju za BEGIN naredbu :question:

22) history - Ispravno radi :heavy_check_mark:

III. Popis naredbi / fukcionalnosti koje su implementirane na strani C koda a nisu u Pythonu

*Poseban slučaj* create group command ima svoju implementaciju na strani koda ali je cijela zakomentirana

1) #### Popis naredbi koje pišu da su implementirane u Python katalogu ali zapravno im nedostaje implementacija: ####

_create view as - Create view (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _create function returns - Create function (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter index - Alter index (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter table - Alter table (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter sequence - Alter sequence (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _alter view - Alter view (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_ _begin commit - Transaction (Nedostaje implementacija :warning:)_

2) #### Popis naredbi / fukcionalnosti koje su implementirane na strani C koda a nisu u Pythonu: ####

1) _int Ak_deleterow()

2) _int AK_function_change_returntype() , _int AK_funtionrename() , ...

3) _int AK_userrename() , _int AK_revoke_priviledgeuser()

4) _int AK_revoke_privilegegroup()

5) _int AK_checkprivilege() , _int AK_check_userprivilege(), ...

6) _int AK_triggeredit() , _int AK_triggerrename() ...

IV. Popis standardnih SQL naredbi koje dosad nisu obuhvaćene niti jednim dijelom:

1) ABORT - abort the current transaction 2) CREATE DATABASE - create a new database 3) ALTER DATABASE - change a database 4) ANALYZE - collect statistics about a database 5) CHECKPOINT - force a transaction log checkpoint 6) CLUSTER - cluster a table according to an index 7) COMMENT - define or change the comment of an object 8) COPY - copy data between files and tables 9) CREATE DOMAIN - define a new domain 10) DROP DOMAIN - remove a user-defined domain 11) LOCK - explicitly lock a table 12) TRUNCATE - empty a table 13) VACUUM - garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database

mzinic96 commented 4 years ago

Javljam se za ažuriranje stanje.

mzinic96 commented 4 years ago

STANJE NA 27.05.2020. 15:33 ------------------------------------------

Nakon posljednjeg pull requesta više nije moguća prijava s podacima "testingUser" i "testingPass" unutar klijenta. Potrebno je napraviti promjenu kod metode check_auth_password(self, username, password) u

Uz to je još potrebno i popraviti metodu recv_data(self) u Ona trenutno ništa ne vraća (nema naredbu return), a njezin rezultat je potreban za daljnji rad.

I. Popis naredbi koje se provjeravaju (u i zatim pokušavaju izvršiti kada ih se upiše unutar klijenta:

\p - Print out a table \ps \d - Print out table details \t - Check whether a given table exists in a database

create sequence - Create a sequence create table - Create a table create index - Create an index create trigger - Create a trigger insert into - Insert a data into a table grant - Grant a privilege select - Select a data from a table update - Update a table drop - Drop a SQL object

II. Popis naredbi koje bi bilo dobro implementirati u Python dijelu (

create user with password - Create a user create group with password - Create a group (postoji u, ali je unutar komentara) create view as - Create a view create function returns - Create a function alter index - Alter an index alter table - Alter a table alter sequence - Alter a sequence alter view - Alter a view begin commit - Transactions history - List all previously typed commands \q - Disconnect from the server and quit the akdb client \? - List all commands supported in the akdb

III. Testiranje naredbi unutar klijenta:

akdb> create table proba(id int primary key) - [-] Failed command execution: execute() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) (ne radi)

Napomena: Kako ne radi naredba za kreiranje tablice, automatski nećemo vidjeti niti rezultate ostalih naredbi koje se vežu na tu tablicu.

akdb> \p proba - [-] Failed command execution: execute() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) (ne radi) akdb> \d proba - [-] Failed command execution: in method 'AK_num_attr', argument 1 of type 'char *' (ne radi) akdb> \t proba - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: \t proba (ne radi) akdb> insert into proba values(1) - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: insert into proba values(1) (ne radi) akdb> history - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: history* (ne radi) akdb> select from proba - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: select * from proba (ne radi) akdb> drop table proba - [-] Failed command execution: execute() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) (ne radi) akdb> grant update on proba to public - [-] Failed command execution: execute() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) (ne radi) akdb> update proba set id = 2 where id = 1 - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: update proba set id = 2 where id = 1 (ne radi) akdb> create index najbolji_indeks on proba(id) - There was a problem. Error message: Error. Wrong command: ON table_name (column1create index najbolji_indeks on proba(id)** (ne radi)

create trigger (ne radi) create sequence (ne radi)

IV. Testiranje naredbi dostupnih unutar servera:

Za vrijeme izvođenja programa, u terminalu je moguće koristiti sljedeće dvije naredbe:

stop - [-] Server closed (radi) start - [-] Server resumed (radi)

V. Naredbe koje su implementirane na strani C-a (bilo u obliku konkretne naredbe, bilo u obliku funkcionalnosti koja se može upotrijebiti), a nisu u Pythonu:

int AK_delete_row() int AK_function_change_return_type(), int AK_function_rename(), ... int AK_user_rename(), int AK_revoke_privilege_user() int AK_revoke_privilege_group() int AK_check_privilege(), int AK_check_user_privilege(), ... int AK_trigger_edit(), int AK_trigger_rename(), ...

VI. Standardne SQL naredbe koje nisu obuhvaćene ni prvim ni drugim dijelom:

abort - abort the current transaction create database - create a new database alter database - change a database analyze - collect statistics about a database checkpoint - force a transaction log checkpoint cluster - cluster a table according to an index comment - define or change a comment of an object copy - copy a data between files and tables create domain - define a new domain drop domain - remove a user-defined domain lock - explicitly lock a table truncate - empty a table vacuum - garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database

VII. Testovi

akdb> testme - Izvrše se svi testovi koji se nalaze u datoteci (19 testova). Ima grešaka koje je potrebno ispraviti

JelenaCuka commented 4 years ago

Javljam se za sljedeće ažuriranje stanja ovog issue-a .

mcrepinko commented 3 years ago

Javljam se za rješavanje ovog issue-a.