Open-source python package for the extraction of Radiomics features from 2D and 3D images and binary masks. Support:
No, that is correct. The difference is due to the use of SimpleITK LabelStatistiscImageFilter and LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter. They define a bounding box differently.
@fedorov @JoostJM I tried to use the code for the bounding box calculation checkMask
Line 260
# LBound and UBound of the bounding box, as (L_X, U_X, L_Y, U_Y, L_Z, U_Z)
AND Line 331# LBound and size of the bounding box, as (L_X, L_Y, [L_Z], S_X, S_Y, [S_Z])
seem like they contradict each other. Maybe the latter was taken from the older version. Could you please harmonize the comments and docscripting?