AIM-Harvard / pyradiomics

Open-source python package for the extraction of Radiomics features from 2D and 3D images and binary masks. Support:
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Error installation Pyradiomics Docker on a mac #752

Open Hanne1234 opened 2 years ago

Hanne1234 commented 2 years ago

I have been trying to download PyRadiomics via Docker for a macbook. First I performed 'docker pull radiomics/pyradiomics:latest' in the terminal, the response I get is:

latest: Pulling from radiomics/pyradiomics Digest: sha256:eea20621c9e77afd049871e1a4e7308844a57d399343b087f6a4e86c3dab1923 Status: Image is up to date for radiomics/pyradiomics:latest

When I then try to perform 'docker run --rm -it --publish 8888:8888 -v pwd:/data radiomics/notebook' it gives the error: 'Unable to find image 'radiomics/notebook:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for radiomics/notebook, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.'

There is something wrong with the image, when I open the Docker Desktop there is no Radiomics Image shown. But when I set $docker images in the terminal it gives the following result:

docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker/getting-started latest bd9a9f733898 4 weeks ago 28.8MB radiomics/pyradiomics latest d912986c67f2 16 months ago 4.36GB

What I am doing wrong and how can I fix this?

Thank you!

Schermafbeelding 2022-03-16 om 12 52 52