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Deep Modeling of Social Relations for Recommendation #31

Open xyq7 opened 4 years ago

xyq7 commented 4 years ago

Paper information


problems to address

Many of the social-based recommender systems linearly combine the multiplication of social features between users. However, these methods lack the ability to capture complex and intrinsic non-linear features from social relations.

key ideas

present a deep neural network based model to learn non-linear features of each user from social relations, and to integrate into probabilistic matrix factorization for rating prediction problem.

More detail pls see

Questions about the paper?

What do you like?

Combine DNN and the probabilistic model. Add social relationships to model users.

What you don't like?

The comparison only includes some papers related to social relations and some early work, without some comparison with other SOTA methods, and the performance is also not very good.

How to improve?

Graph neural network for social relationships [2]

Any new ideas?

Reproducing results (if any)

Reference: [1]Mnih, Andriy, and Russ R. Salakhutdinov. 2008. “Probabilistic Matrix Factorization.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems [2]Wenqi Fan, Yao Ma, Qing Li, Yuan He, Eric Zhao, Jiliang Tang, Dawei Yin, Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation,WWW '19: The World Wide Web Conference