AISimonetta / calculator

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Calc Feedback #3

Open olirob93 opened 9 months ago

olirob93 commented 9 months ago


Lets Build



Category Score
Version Control 10/ 10
Site Output 25/ 45
Readability 10/ 20
Responsiveness 10/ 10
Code Knowledge & Use 25/ 25
Total Score 80/ 110


Nice work on this project the HTML is clear and laid out nicely and your SCSS and BEM styling is good. Your Typescript is named well and is built up of various functions.

There are a few bugs in here such as not being able to do anything with negative numbers. Also i'm not 100% sure which is your final branch as there is no typescript on main? I used the ts-branch for marking.

The UI



The Code



let num1input: string = "";
let total : number = 0;

Try to lay your code out clearer moving forward into these type of sections imports at the very top variables next query selectors Any functions any loops/ event listeners at the bottom

AISimonetta commented 9 months ago

Thank you Ollie! I will make the changes as soon as I can and consider all the recommendations for the next project :)