AIStream-Peelout / flow-forecast

Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection (originally for flood forecasting).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues with multi target problem #364

Open Vergangenheit opened 3 years ago

Vergangenheit commented 3 years ago

Hello Sir, # I was wondering if you could help me with this. I was trying to run a multi-target multi-variate experiment using "DecoderTransformer" model.

So I have a configuration in "dataset_params" as such:

"target_col": ['UP_MPNTLCDMRN_1', 'UP_MPNTLCSMBC_1', 'UP_PEPIZZA_1',
                       'UP_PRCLCDMZRD_1', 'UP_PRCLCDPLRM_1',
                       'UP_PRCLCDPRZZ_1', 'UP_PRCLCMINEO_1'],
 "relevant_cols": [col for col in df.columns[1:-2] if 'wind_gusts_100m' not in col]

with 7 targets and about 88 covariates, resulting in 95 relevant columns.

What happens running train_function is that at compute_validation, the result data before inverse scaling is (forecast_length, batch_size). But the StandardScaler._scaler is of (len(target_col), ) size.

What am I getting wrong? Is it actually not configured for multi target problems?

Thank you very much

Lorenzo Ostano

isaacmg commented 3 years ago

Are you including "n_targets" in the parameters (general parameters)? That needs to be included as well? See

Vergangenheit commented 3 years ago

I just added it. And now the issue is in the compute_lossof the forward pass on the training set. I've got a label of shape _(batch_size, forecast_length, 1, ntargets), while the outputs are _(batch_size, forecastlength)...

Here's the full configuration dictionary:

      "model_name": "DecoderTransformer",
      "model_type": "PyTorch",
      "model_params": {
      "n_head": 8,
      "n_embd": 1, 
      "num_layer": 5,
      "q_len": 1,
      "scale_att": False,
      "forecast_length": 12, 
     "n_targets": 7,
         "class": "default",
          "training_path": file_path,
          "validation_path": file_path,
          "test_path": file_path,
          "train_end": int(train_number),
          "valid_end": int(validation_number),
          "target_col": ['UP_MPNTLCDMRN_1', 'UP_MPNTLCSMBC_1', 'UP_PEPIZZA_1',
                       'UP_PRCLCDMZRD_1', 'UP_PRCLCDPLRM_1',
                       'UP_PRCLCDPRZZ_1', 'UP_PRCLCMINEO_1'],
          "relevant_cols": [col for col in df.columns[1:-2] if 'wind_gusts_100m' not in col],
          "scaler": "StandardScaler", 
          "interpolate": False,
        "optimizer": "Adam",
        "lr": 0.001,
        "epochs": 4,
      "early_stopping": {
      "GCS": False,
              "datetime_start":"2020-08-06 23:00:00",
                "hours_to_forecast": 1344, 
                    "decoder_function": "simple_decode", 
                  "unsqueeze_dim": 1
                  "file_path": file_path,
                  "relevant_cols": [col for col in df.columns[1:-2] if 'wind_gusts_100m' not in col],
                  "target_col": ['UP_MPNTLCDMRN_1', 'UP_MPNTLCSMBC_1', 'UP_PEPIZZA_1',
                               'UP_PRCLCDMZRD_1', 'UP_PRCLCDPLRM_1',
                               'UP_PRCLCDPRZZ_1', 'UP_PRCLCMINEO_1'],
                  "scaling": "StandardScaler",
                  "interpolate_param": False,
isaacmg commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the slow response (been away). You might want to remove unsqueeze dim from the params.

Vergangenheit commented 3 years ago

No problem for the slow response. Look let me keep it opened for few more days. I don't think I'm unsqueezing tensors' dimension during training. Let me come back to you in few days, I understand this is an open-source in-construction library and I don't want to take up your time away from your roadmap....

isaacmg commented 3 years ago

Were you able to fix the issue? If you not I'll investigate further. It may be a bug with the framework.

Vergangenheit commented 3 years ago

Hi Isaac.

Unfortunately not. I removed the unsqueeze parameter but the loss function computation still doesn't work.

/content/flow_forecast/flood_forecast/ in compute_loss(labels, output, src, criterion, validation_dataset, probabilistic, output_std, m)
    285         loss: Criterion = criterion(labels.float(), output, src, m)
    286     else:
--> 287         assert len(labels.shape) == len(output.shape)
    288         assert labels.shape[0] == output.shape[0]
    289         loss: Criterion = criterion(output, labels.float())
isaacmg commented 3 years ago

Okay I'll run some additional testing. I believe I've seen something similar before. But don't remember the way I fixed it.

isaacmg commented 3 years ago

Never mind I just remembered that I don't believe at the moment DecoderTransformer works with multiple targets. So this is a possible enhancement not a bug. Basically just requires adding another linear layer.

theoctopusride commented 2 years ago

@isaacmg is there an up-to-date list of flow-forecast models that currently work with multiple targets? I've been struggling with the pytorch-forecasting library to get their models working with multiple targets.

isaacmg commented 2 years ago

@theoctopusride The following models support multiple targets CustomTransformerDecoder Informer MultiHeadSimple