Not sure if it is happening only with my device, but the simulation terminates unsuccessfully every time with following error:
Error: The following error was detected at time: Pressure (= -x Pa) of medium "IBPSA.Media.Water" is negative Failed condition: noEvent (demandDHW.port_a.p >= 0.0)
This happens with most of the models provided in the example folder. This specific error above was for OneSupplyOneBuilding example.
Not sure if it is happening only with my device, but the simulation terminates unsuccessfully every time with following error:
Error: The following error was detected at time: Pressure (= -x Pa) of medium "IBPSA.Media.Water" is negative Failed condition: noEvent (demandDHW.port_a.p >= 0.0)
This happens with most of the models provided in the example folder. This specific error above was for OneSupplyOneBuilding example.