AJCStriker / Movecraft-3

The original movement plugin for Bukkit. Reloaded.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Anti-stealing, anti-trespassing permissions? #108

Open Deiscorides opened 10 years ago

Deiscorides commented 10 years ago

A permission to prevent non-faction members from taking ships out of faction land would be great. (Factions: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factions/ ) Server admins could then prevent ship stealing in peaceful factions only if they wanted, while in PvP factions ship stealing would still be allowed.

If there was a way to use a permission completely stop a ship from entering claimed faction land, that may also be a nice tool.

Perhaps adding "owners" to Ships could also solve some theft problems. A permission to toggle on/off ship ownership so that the pilot can only ever pilot it without it auto-releasing as well as being able to click on the Ship sign and add other pilot names to a list so they could take turns without the need for releasing the ship.

mwkaicz commented 10 years ago

As I know, plugin manager wants to keep this functionality only on MadRealms server (homeland of movecraft). It's not the first time that someone proposes something similar.

I was thinking about some external plugin which will control it. In my opinion there are two possible ways:

DeadManBrooding commented 10 years ago

As a member of a server that would like to implement Movecraft, I've got to second this feature request. An issue that creeps up to us is not just the prospect of ships being stolen, but also griefed, when the faction (or rather nation, as we're switching to Towny) is offline.

Ideally, Movecraft would somehow be made aware of Towny/Factions - maybe in the same vein as Factions and Towny are configurable to be aware of the presence of iConomy - and have its ships be protected according to those plugins' rules whenever it is on claimed ground (a harbor area, for instance).

Alternatively, have a ship grief-protected whenever it's unmanned.

AJCStriker commented 10 years ago

A ship on owned ground, manned or not, will obey block protection of any plugin for that region.

Theft protection is a custom solution for madrealms.net, however you can easily make your own, or players can simply place forbidden blocks to lock their ships.

Deiscorides commented 10 years ago

Yeah, "anchoring" the ship with a 6x6 square ring of cobble seems best. Smaller sized anchors often times are not enough when the ship teleports away. If a ship isn't anchored, but is parked on claimed land, anyone can bump into it with another ship, re-click their own Ship sign, and run off with both ships locked together.

Baccayarro commented 10 years ago

Perhaps a better option is to use a forbiddenblock to "lock" the ship. Then you can also lock your ship out in the field in territory you don't necessarily own. Use a plugin like this one: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/blockown/ which makes it so other players can't mine up a specific block you place down. For example, make gold blocks a forbidden block on your crafts, and then protect all gold blocks via blockown. Presto! Instant ship locks that work anywhere. Of course, if you don't protect your ship some other way, they can still bomb it into oblivion...