AJCStriker / Movecraft-3

The original movement plugin for Bukkit. Reloaded.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Water permantnetly lit by glowstone. #5

Open Methlon opened 11 years ago

Methlon commented 11 years ago

Don't know if it's a plugin conflict or what, but every move my ship takes if there's glowstone on it (I haven't tried without) there's permanently lit water. There is no fixing it. Water stays illuminated forever, and best I can tell, it doesn't affect land.

AJCStriker commented 11 years ago

Unable to reproduce in testing. Please check the plugin is properly installed and that no errors are produced.

Inscrutable commented 11 years ago

I am seeing the same problem, no console errors. The yellowish light of glowstone persists on water when you pass over it at water level with a craft containing glowstone, and won't clear by chunk updates. Movecraft 3.1.17, Craftbukkit 2725 (& other plugins). For reference, Spoutplugin used to have a similar bug that caused underwater illumination. Bergerkiller added a fix for it in NoLagg, that might help undo the damage (fixworld).

Methlon commented 11 years ago

I've tried running that plugin lonely individual with the latest craftbukkit dev build (just downloaded and tried 2730) and the results continue. No console errors, just permanently lit water at any height the glowstone is able to illuminate it (Even if it's inside or on top of the ship.). I have noticed that glowstone tends to turn off and on once in a while relative to movement or position on the ship, but otherwise.. Same old thing. I wish I knew what I could offer to reconstruct the problem. But as it stands I can't use the plugin because it will wreck the map.

Inscrutable commented 11 years ago

This bug also illuminates Land areas unnaturally too, and placing torches doesn't fix. However the range is limited to about 4 blocks. A temp fix is to remove (or deny) glowstone (and jack-o-lanterns) in the craft files, at least craft won't ruin your map.

Methlon commented 11 years ago

True. I think I'd rather wait till a build comes out that corrects the issue before server deployment. Hard enough to see where one is going in pitch perpetual minecraft night lol I do appreciate the suggestions.

AJCStriker commented 11 years ago

Could someone post an image of the problem because we cannot replicate it currently.

Inscrutable commented 11 years ago

Here: a stretch of water Before I cruise lightstone airship over it: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81927080/Before.png Then afterwards: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81927080/After.png (best seen at night.) There are more of the same behind me, they persist after restarting the server too.

Methlon commented 11 years ago


I started a second strip at each test to see if it was still doing it. But this is what I'm looking at.

Jtsessions commented 11 years ago

As it could have something to do with your plugins, wouldn't it be a good idea to list the plugins each of your servers are running and cross-reference to find what could be the common denominator so that a fix could be made for other users?

Hope that helps some Dx

Methlon commented 11 years ago

As I said I tried this locally on my PC with no additional plugins. Same result.

Jtsessions commented 11 years ago

Ah, apologize; I missed that bit and was trying to help facilitate ending up at a solution. Guess that makes it even clearer though.

Methlon commented 11 years ago

No worries. I'm just happy to have help :) I just wish there was more I could do to help you figure it out.

Jtsessions commented 11 years ago

To clarify, I'm not the plugin author, just wanna help facilitate the author's finding and fixing the bug. Hopefully when he has some time he'll be able to replicate the issue and help you guys out.

Methlon commented 11 years ago

If it does help, I've tried placing blocks over the lit water chunks and they will return to normal. It's as though when the ship moves the light value of the glowstone is retained at position where the rest of it moves.

Methlon commented 11 years ago

Whelp. I had to torch my nice boat because of this old bug lol All my destroyed map bits that were lit by this glitch obstruct movement. I can't find all the invisible glowstone spawn bugs that are preventing it. Just thought you should know.

Methlon commented 11 years ago

Oh and while I'm not complaining, because now I know and knowing is half the battle and all that. https://sphotos-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/q80/s720x720/1098259_10151771138404655_1942961439_n.jpg

Finding them was fun. This is just for chuckling.