Closed Andrews54757 closed 7 years ago
Hm, @Andrews54757 do you have thoughts on how you want the client to be setup/start off exactly? Would you like to start it off? I don't know much about pc yet, but the api is huge.
I was also using requirejs, just to git rid of confusing writing in one file (Since I write classes), and everything will be compiled together afterwards. I have the start of it, but now I gotta re-do the drawing, and cells.
@Andrews54757 @SharkFinPro check gitter
Make sure you re-check all requests, (The API system may been defective, in certain areas). Until updated (Slick Inject). I'll have that finish/implemented today. Your scripts might need to be updated aswell.
Also I remember you said POST methods can't be used, how come?
Also we can't make updates to the server as of now, as I'm planning on migrating servers/host. Lets get everything done and released. Make it the first official release.
i don't understand anything here
@threeheadedgoose sorry, but OpenAgar discontinued because of inactivity, hosting changes, and my lack of care in the Agario community as it has became pathetic. I decided to leave this community and focus on my real life.
There hasn't been news if OpenAgar will ever continue, but just know that we still have copies, and could bring it up at any time, but is it worth it?
Everything is in the hand's of @Andrews54757. It'll be his decision on what he carry out for this project. He could keep it and do something big, or just give up all the work/time of this project. (His first full project).
I hope things goes well, but I hope you understand, and glad I finally had the time to write this post.
Farewell, (AJS) @MichaelLeeHobbs @Andrews54757 @SharkFinPro ~@LegitSoulja~