AGCMS\Exception\Exception: 43/142 e-mails blev ikke afsendt.
File "inc/Entity/Newsletter.php", line 292, in send
throw new Exception(sprintf(_('Email %d/%d failed to be sent.'), $failedCount, count($contacts)));
File "inc/Controller/Admin/NewsletterController.php", line 113, in update
File "inc/Controller/Admin/NewsletterController.php", line 0, in call_user_func_array
File "inc/Application.php", line 240, in AGCMS\{closure}
return call_user_func_array([new $route['controller'](), $route['action']], $matches);
File "inc/Middleware/Utf8Url.php", line 25, in handle
return $next($request);
(6 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
Newsletter fails to send when more then 98 recipients are added to bcc because of rate limit by (that they say isn't there)