AKD-01 / blogweet

BlogWeet is a web app that empowers individuals of all ages to create, share, and engage with blog posts, fostering a vibrant community of diverse perspectives.
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[Issue] : Improve visibility of image preview element in the create post page #121

Open Kalyan-velu opened 1 year ago

Kalyan-velu commented 1 year ago


In the create post page of the project, there is an image preview element that displays the image based on the URL entered by the user in the URL input field. However, the image preview element is always visible, even if there is no image link available. This can be confusing for users and result in unnecessary display of the element when no image is present.


The main goal of this issue is to improve the visibility of the image preview element so that it is only displayed when a valid image link is available. This will enhance the user experience by providing a more accurate representation of the post preview.

Proposed Solution

To address this issue, the following steps could be considered:

  1. Implement a check to verify if a valid image link is present in the URL input field before displaying the image preview element. This can be done using JavaScript or a framework/library such as React.
  2. If a valid image link is available, dynamically render the image preview element with the corresponding image. If no image link is available or an invalid link is provided, hide or disable the image preview element.

Additionally, it is suggested to consider the following improvements:

Contribution and Assignment

I would like to take up this issue and contribute to its resolution. Kindly assign this issue to me so that I can start working on it.

GirlScript Summer of Code

I am participating in the GirlScript Summer of Code program, and this issue is a part of my contribution to the program.

Please let me know if there are any other specific considerations or requirements for this issue.

AKD-01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Kalyan-velu, you may work on this and please refer to the Contribution guidelines on the readme once. All the best!

AKD-01 commented 1 year ago

Hey, @Kalyan-velu thank you for your contribution and patience, I will be reviewing your pr soon. If you liked the project, don't forget to give it a star.