Closed cfrancois7 closed 7 years ago
I create a test just to know the ongoing service.
With that code I get:
Array ( [0] => Core [1] => date [2] => ereg [3] => libxml [4] => openssl [5] => pcre [6] => sqlite3 [7] => zlib [8] => bcmath [9] => bz2 [10] => calendar [11] => ctype [12] => curl [13] => dba [14] => dom [15] => hash [16] => fileinfo [17] => filter [18] => ftp [19] => gd [20] => SPL [21] => iconv [22] => json [23] => ldap [24] => mbstring [25] => session [26] => standard [27] => mysqlnd [28] => mysqli [29] => PDO [30] => pdo_mysql [31] => pdo_sqlite [32] => Phar [33] => posix [34] => Reflection [35] => mysql [36] => shmop [37] => SimpleXML [38] => snmp [39] => soap [40] => sockets [41] => exif [42] => sysvmsg [43] => sysvsem [44] => sysvshm [45] => tidy [46] => tokenizer [47] => wddx [48] => xml [49] => xmlreader [50] => xmlrpc [51] => xmlwriter [52] => xsl [53] => zip [54] => apache2handler )
Indeed odbc is not loaded.
The ODBC extension needs to be active for the Virtuoso backend to work.
I forgot to reply. It is just on Mac, the build-in Apache-PHP 5 config doesn't provide the support for ODBC. It is necessary to install the package with brew or something else with the extensions for ODBC. So the issue is closed.
I'm using ontowiki on my MacOSx laptop el capitan.
When I was using ontowiki with Nginx I didn't get this problem.
When I try to access the page on my localhost (localhost/~myName/ontowiki) I got this message in the ontowiki.log (other logs are empty):
Erfurt_Store_Adapter_Exception: Virtuoso adapter requires the ODBC extension to be loaded. -> /Users/myName/Sites/ontowiki/vendor/aksw/erfurt/library/Erfurt/Store/Adapter/Virtuoso.php@104
I can properly connect my virtuoso with Isql and I tested the OCDB driver, everything works fine. I just don't know how to run the ODBC extension here.
But the OCDB driver works fine: