AKSW / OntoWiki.UseCases

Collection of Use Cases, User Stories and Requirements for OntoWiki
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Lay audience personal and collaboration knowledge management tool #5

Open kurijn opened 1 year ago

kurijn commented 1 year ago

The semantic web is to my knowledge the most suitable tool to model any type of information. Currently there is no front-end software available that enables a lay audience (99% of the world's population) to make use of this quality. Wiki software is promising for personal and collaborative knowledge management but current wiki-software lacks in information modelling through linked-data, therefore missing the potential that linked-data systems have over simple text documents. The vastness of representation possibilities (front-end) and their connection to the underlying data (back-end) represents the biggest challenge. I have not been able to use OntoWiki, but having familiarised with the concept and having seen some screenshots, it appears to me that it makes a great step forward to achieve this goal. Hopefully there will be a functional implementation again, or a good alternative. Note: Another very promising ecosystem that is a great step forward in this regard is Solid: https://solidproject.org/, which is a semantic back-end open for front-end contributions. It would be fabulous if the new OntoWiki were a front-end for it!