AKSW / OntoWiki

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Bulk grabbing of models and prefixes #134

Open frodeseverin opened 12 years ago

frodeseverin commented 12 years ago

I have a data graph which I have added to my OntoWiki site. I have created the RDF in Google Refine, and imported them using 'Add data to knowledge base' with the Turtle files from Google Refine.

My dataset uses a a number of prefixes. However, these are not mapped in OntoWiki, unless I use 'Add data to knowledge base', and import data for the URI for each prefix. The data displays fine, but there is no metadata for the different predicates and objects defined in the data models of the prefixes.

For a live demo, please have a look at http://data.bbib.no. I have imported the model for the imported. @prefix m: <http://www.kanzaki.com/ns/music#> . The result can be seen at http://data.bbib.no/data/Ludvig_Irgens_Jensen 'm:Composer' is showing as 'Composer', as is expected, while 'frbr:creatorOf' does not contain any metadata.

Importing data for each prefix is tedious work. Is it possible to add functionality to 'Import model details to knowledgebase' and possibly 'Import details for all models to knowledge base' in order to achieve a more expressive user interface?


seebi commented 12 years ago

seems to be an interesting feature. in the same way we could fetch data for each schema resources which does not have a type statement, in order to fetch missing stuff.

(I'm not sure that you want to have all resources of all namespaces in you knowledge base)

frodeseverin commented 12 years ago

No, I don't think it wise to store all details of all namespaces in our own RDF graph.

As it stands now, there is a separate SysOnt graph that deal with the most common labels and such. One possibility would be to have a second graph called something like OntoWikiNamespaces, that could be populated with the name mappings and such from the namespaces. There might also be a need for an option to include the resources from individual namespaces directly in the knowledge graph.

Have a look at http://bbib.no/fct to see the impact there, which mirrors the situation at http://data.bbib.no. Search for e.g. Liszt


frodeseverin commented 12 years ago

Sorry, I am wrong. The SysBase knowledge graph http://ns.ontowiki.net/SysBase/ is responsible for the namings, not the SysOnt.

I guess adding data from a selection of the imported namespaces to my local copy of http://ns.ontowiki.net/SysBase/ would do the trick.

frodeseverin commented 11 years ago

I have gained more experience in this regard.

I imported all the data from all models defined in the prefixes into a separate local graph named 'http://data.bbib.no/imports/', and then imported this graph into my knowledge base using the 'owl:imports' predicate.

This filled my navigation pane with a hirearchical class tree, and rendered labels for all the predicates and classes from my prefixes.

However, the navigation pane became a little bloated using this approach, so I decided to remove the 'owl:imports' predicate. Now the navigation pane is dynamically filled with a listing of all the classes in use in the present graph. Interestingly, OntoWiki still renders the correct labels for all the predicates and classes present in the graph 'http://data.bbib.no/imports/'.

I still have to test what will happen if I remove the graph 'http://data.bbib.no/imports/'.